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2005 Twin Cam 88 California to Denver

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by americanada, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. americanada

    americanada Member

    Mar 6, 2017
    Likes Received:

    I want to purchase the Premium Tuners Kit, but would like some information first:

    I have recently moved from sea level to 6000' ft, and it appears to me the engine is running rich. It no longer needs to be choked (despite near freezing temperatures - in CA, it needed to be choked at any temperature when the engine itself was cold), and feels very sluggish at road speed. The exhaust pipe is now quite sooty black as well.

    I pulled the spark plugs and they do not look "bad" as far as I can tell. They are slightly white.

    According to the HD Touring Service Manual, the main jet for CA models is 185. Should I go down to a 175 or 180, and if so, can I get these included in the kit? I don't think the 190 and 195 jets are going to do me any good here in Denver.

    I appreciate any guidance!

  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi and welcome to the forum. The condition described is more likely caused by clogged passages than over jetting. This occurs over time in the 2 passages that connect the pilot jet, mixture screw, and front air intake port found along the front lower edge facing the air cleaner. Fuel begins to lacquer in these passages and increases the richness of the mixture at idle and just off idle. See item #3 on our troubleshooting page. Same applies to the passage that is connected to the enrichener (choke). The main jet mentioned does not take effect until well after 3/4 throttle.

    An elevation of 6000 feet should not be a problem for a TC88 running a 190 main if everything else is both tuned correctly and the passages are clean. That elevation isn't much different than the California mountains (Big Bear is 6700') that I use to ride to and from without any jetting issue. You could certainly stick with a #185 but you would be lean, especially if riding down below that elevation, and anything smaller would risk an overly lean condition leading to overheating among other things.
  3. americanada

    americanada Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Hi Ken,

    I will check that out.

    And you're right, I had no problem riding up at Big Bear or any of the other local mountains in CA; I actually thought the bike ran better up there than it did at sea level.

    I have no idea if the carb has been modified, so I will pull it and see what's there, and clean everything while I'm at it. I had to completely drain the fuel system the day the movers put the bike in the trailer, and then it sat in storage for three weeks. Perhaps that contributed.

    If the jet is indeed a 185 as the service manual suggests, would I see any benefits going to a 190?


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