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anyone have an older evo?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by oldevo, Jun 5, 2004.

  1. oldevo

    oldevo New Member

    Jun 5, 2004
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    I was wanting to know if anyone had any information(tech tips, performance tips, etc.) for 84-85 softails. I have an 84' and i love it. All my buddies ride newer bikes, so I'm the only one with a 4-speed and a kicker. The only thing I've really done to the bike is put on a 99 cv carb and 2" drag pipes.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Evo's respond to the same things a Twinkie does or for that matter any engine does. Give it more air and it will make more power. A cam like an Andrews EV13 or EV27 or bigger, Good ignition like the Crane HI4E will make a big difference.

    Since EVO Softails are rigid mounted you want to make your power in the lower to mid range. The CV will work nicely for this setup. You can make more power if you dump the Drag pipes and go with a 2-1 or or a set of Big Shot staggereds.
    A 2" Drag pipe has a lot of reversion and will hurt your midrange particularly at 60-75 mph.
  3. fatboyvtwin

    fatboyvtwin New Member

    Apr 17, 2004
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    Rock Springs, Wyoming
    CD is right I own a 1998 Fatboy 1340cc and I put V&H short shot exhaust, EV27 cam, and the Crane Fireball High 4-E ignition, & a thunder slide kit in the carb. And I could feel the change in horse power right from the get go. Ride Safe David.

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