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CA Highway 49

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by Danny, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Danny

    Danny Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Palos Verdes, CA
    I'll be taking a ride with a couple of buddies in August and we'll be heading north, up CA Hwy 395. Eventually we're gonna go through Reno and into Grass Valley. We're thinking of taking Hwy 49 when heading south. I've never been on the route before. Can anyone out there let me know what the route is like?
  2. hogcowboy

    hogcowboy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Texas between Fort Worth and Wichita Falls
    It really depends on the time of year. Winter, everyone wants to go skiing and play in the snow. Late spring and summer, everyone just has to be there and say they was with mother nature. The best time I found was late fall. Just before the snow flies. School is in being the be part. Never ever on a weekend. The area all along 49 is really great. Fairly good twisties and some of the towns can be very interesting to explore. Just a ton of history all along the route. The major drawback is EVERYONE wants to be there except when I noted. I really like 395 for that very reason. Most are too lazy to get on over the hill to the eastern side. Except those from LA but they only go just so far and usually head off to go gamble. Hit 49 in the middle of the week in late fall and you got a good ride and some fun. Any other time VERY if''y

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