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Carb swap

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Sir Rat, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Sir Rat

    Sir Rat Active Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    Oahu Hawaii
    Hand choked it today....it did the trick, Bike starts right up now. Did a quick adjustment on the carb, or tried to. I might have a vacume leek seems I can pretty much turn the idle mixture screw all the way in and the bike keeps running. It does die eventually after about 20-30 seconds. Had the idle set about 1000, tried 900-950 but the idle is too rough and it makes it hard to determine when I've turned the idle mix screw in to the point where it starts breaking up. Was running out of daylight so I didn't get a lot of time to play with it. Did take her for a test run. The bike flat out hauls okole (hawaiian for ass) now, 99 percent of the popping on the upshift is gone. Decel popping has changed from sharp pop to a muffled bark. I wondering if maybe I shoulda run the 48 pilot jet instead of the 46? Will play with it more tomorrow if I have time.


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