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Choke for butterfly keihin carb home made

Discussion in 'Tech Tips' started by joshbob, May 1, 2011.

  1. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    This is a custom made choke gizmo for a Keihin butterfly carb. It's compact, works great & adds a custom touch to your sickle. Parts needed are:
    1) A piece of spring steel wire of type used in early throttle cables.
    2) A throttle adjuster from an old hand lever.
    3) A piece of 14 ga. wire insulator. (Mine is black).
    4) An 8mm nut w/washer.
    5) A piece of nylon tubing to fit inside throttle adjuster.
    First, bend the wire to shape using a 1" dowel in a vice. It took me several tries to get it right. Cut the end off the throttle adjuster as seen in pic. Kink the wire slightly at the point where it slides through the throttle adjuster for more "grab". Put it all together and install on carb.
    NOTE: On the second pic where it says, "14 ga. wire", it should say, "14 ga. wire insulator".

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    Last edited: May 1, 2011

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