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Comparing 2 into 1 performance Pipes

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by gunnysgt, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Oscar Softluxe

    Oscar Softluxe New Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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    Buena Park, CA.
    06 softail deluxe

    hello there. i am new here and and with my bike (06 softail deluxe). just bought it last month and wondering which one is best for my bike? I want to replace my stock pipes and airfilter. Which one is good and do i need to re-program the EFI module. Do i need to buy thie fuel pak from V&H? Any comments that will look good on my bike is appreciated.
  2. Breeze

    Breeze New Member

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Volunteer State
    Pipes etc.

    Seems like the Ness stage 1 Big Sucker wins the popularity contest as far as air filters go. CD can set you up with that, no problem. As for pipes... if you read a few of the posts in this forum, you will see a lot of different opinions. Again, if the majority means anything to you, Vance and Hines wins this popularity contest. Great quality, fit, finish, etc. but there are other good pipes out there too, Bassani, Hooker, Rhinehart/Bub... Stick with a top manufacturer and then decide what you like... short, mid, long, flush, staggered, 2-1, 2-2, enough variations to make your head spin. Good luck!
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    Sadly, H-D changed the throttle body just enough to make sure the original Big Sucker will not fit the EFI so now, we will have the original for all CV and Delphi EFI to '05 and one for '06 and later. Ness says we will get these sometime in January '06.
  4. Breeze

    Breeze New Member

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Volunteer State
    '06 Throttle Body

    CD, do you suppose that is the beginning of a trend... to keep making little tweaks that make it harder on the after market folks? That's one way to keep us in line with the EPA...
  5. RocketCityRider

    RocketCityRider New Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    Huntsville, AL
    Ideas for Deluxe

    Hello Oscar,

    I have an '05 Deluxe with V&H Drag Pipes (with Torque Cones), SE Air Cleaner, and PCIII with custom dyno map. It has 77 ft lbs of torque and 74 hp. It runs pretty well but I'm itching to take it to the next level. As for ideas; here are some pictures of what I've done to my Deluxe:


    There are several other members that have Deluxe's also. There have been a few threads in the past about which exhaust to put on the Deluxe. You can search for "Deluxe Exhaust" and read through them.

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