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Current Germany Riders?

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by AFNurse, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    I am wondering if there are any riders that are already in Germany (I know USAHallas is in Frankfurt). I am also wondering if any that are already here want to plan a day ride for end of Sept (25-26 ish Sept)? I am not ruling out those of you in the states, however, you guys already have rides scheduled and the cost of shipping your bike may be prohibitive.....:eek: I have a local guy that I ride with (speaks some english) that knows the roads really well around the Weinstrasse and and into France a bit......:cool: Any takers? I would still have to get my own kitchen pass, and get my "guide" cleared (NEVER a problem :D ) Let me know if you would be interested!
  2. shopguy

    shopguy New Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    Spangdahlem Germany
    I'm in the Spangdahlem area, but I doubt that I will not be able to manage a ride. We are planning to take some leave in that timeframe. Not too sure what we will be doing yet. You know how it goes. Let me know, just in case our plans allow it. That sounds like it would be a good time.
  3. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    I have had great rides with this guy. His bike looks a bit like a softtail or similar, until you get close and realize that it is a Suzuki 125....We don't ride fast, but we ride some nice roads at a nice pace. I will continue to press for a kitchen pass myself, and if successful (with weather holding.....:confused: ) will ride one of these 2 days. We tend to do 140-250 miles in a day, coming from Spang, may be a bit longer for you, but still a nice day.... If you are interested, let me know and we can come up with meeting location (probably ON Ramstein for you so Top off on the gas before leaving). USAHalles may have to get gas in K-Town as coming to Ramstein would make backtracking for him (if he can make it at all, what with family and wife work schedule). :) I think we should make a big deal outa this and make CD and the rest of these guys "Stuck in the States" jealous as **** with a European ride!:D
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    Jealous?;) A little for sure! But I spent two tours over there and remember how fast a nice summer day could turn into a blustery cloudy drenchy mess. Beautiful riding down ZweiBrucken way if you ever get the chance I about wore out a '69 Triumph while at sunny Zwei from 71-73. Head up toward Spang and keep going to Bitburg and then North to Prum. It is in the Schnee Eifel and the Air Station there sat right smack on the same hills as the 107th did on the first day of the battle of the bulge. A little research in a book called "A Time for Trumpets" and you can lay out Joachim Peipers (Malmedy Massacre) exact route and still follow it from Loshiem to the end at Le Glieze Belgium where a Tiger tank still sits as a reminder. I spent an entire summer retracing his path and other historical sites. It is an amazing battle in how we regrouped and fought indepentently, cut off and a lot of engineers and back in the rear with the gear types stopped what was left of Hitlers elite. There are memorials galore on both sides of the border. The ones in Belgium usually translate to "twice in once century, never more" and the German ones are usually dark, quiet with small markers showing the name, rank and date of death with a small chapel and a place of reflection. The history in Germany, Belgium and Luxemburg is mind boggling.
  5. usahellas

    usahellas New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Lawrenceville, Georgia
    Bad Timing

    Well 25th / 26th is stinking for me. Wife coming off Nights Thursday morning and hitting morning shifts Saturday and Sunday. :mad: Dog gone Nurses!!! :rolleyes:

    CD you are so right about weather in Bitburg and Spangdahlem. My nephew was stationed in Spangdahlem. I use to visit him as often as possible. I left Frankfurt with beautiful weather, even as I took the exit off the interstate to Spangdahlem the weather was great. BUT THEN, I started driving that nice and curvy mountain road up to the base and the clouds started getting closer and closer. In all the times I was there we had good weather only once.

    As far as the country side goes, the Eifel region is magnificent. Truly breath taking. I have not done the full tour as you have mentioned, however it does sound like a must do. I have seen some of these monuments in different areas of Germany, France and Belgium. Kind of helps you get your mind set back to where it should be.
  6. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    USAHellas, careful with that "darn nurses" stuff!!:p I kinda figured that you may have the bigest problems schedule wise.....but always willing to check!

    Not sure what region(s) I have ridden in, do know that I was in the Black Forest and the Rhine River Valley.....other then that....not sure:confused: Oh well, I'm always just along for the ride!! I did drive through Bastone one time, actually right after watching "Band of Brothers", can't imagine fighting a war in that kind of terrain/cover.....and in the winter even! The weather can be squirly, but that is what rain gear is for!!:p Anyone that can make the ride is invited!!
  7. usahellas

    usahellas New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Lawrenceville, Georgia
    We have to ride

    Now this does not mean that we do not need to get a ride scheduled and with my wifes new schedule I will even have a weekend or two open up. ;)

    I still need to get you up here (shopguy you are also welcome anytime) and do a Taunus ride. We could also go back to the roots and hit Aschaffenburg again then do a ride through the Spessart. (remember the Water Castle) Or what about going to the monestary in Miltenburg. The monks there have been brewing their own beer for hundreds of years. "Black beer". Really good stuff. :cool:

    So with that in mind I would say let us get the schedules a running and the email server overheated.

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