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Cutting out and fuel problems

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by jdonnell, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. jdonnell

    jdonnell New Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    I have a 1998 Fatboy (stock) that initially cut out at highway speeds. It has progressed to having a racing ide (1000rpm to 1100rpm) and will die unless you goose the throttle. You can't ride it without the choke fully out, but it still cuts out. I cant even make it to the Interstate now

    I tried cleaning the fuel filter, checked vacuum hoses, changed the vapor valve hose that had dry rotted, changed coil, plugs, wires, cleaned grounds, and verified the gas cap vented. I guess the fuel valve works because when i drained the tank you had to pull a vacuum to drain. I gave up and took it to the dealer and they did this.........

    Changed the carb diaphram-did nothing. After returning it they changed the rear cylinder plug gap-did nothing.

    Any help is appreciated!!!!!!!!
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    First see if you have an intake leak some carb cleaner sprayed around the back of the carb and intake to head seals while it's running, that could be part of the problem with the idle being off, or a cables that's stuck.

    If it wasn't idling high at the dealer that would suprise me that all they did was change a few things and give it back.

    Check for an intake leak, also check the adjustment on the choke cable to make sure it's not binding open.

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