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CVP Tuners kit & DK nozzle

Discussion in 'CV Performance' started by 84FXRS, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. 84FXRS

    84FXRS Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    I just recieved my Tuner Kit and DK accelerator nozzle.
    Looking at them I do have two questions.
    The kit comes with a 7/64 drill, to drill the slide as an "option".
    What would the result, or purpose of drilling the slide be. I am looking to max the performance of this carb. But I would need to know the difference this optional mod would give.
    The accelerator nozzle appears to just needed to be pulled out and the new one tapped in. Is there a correct/ recommended method to
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi 84FXRS, the drill bit can be used optionally to clean up the port on the slide and will alter the speed of the slide lift action just slightly. If you are using a new slide or ride fully loaded (touring, 2-up) then you should skip that step. The drill bit is also included to help with removal of the plug covering the mixture screw.

    There are instructions on removal and installation of the accelerator pump nozzle at:
    Accelerator Pump Nozzle Installation


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