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Darn tires!

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Hot01, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Northern Colorado
    Yeah, I can do the front in my sleep. Now that I've done the rear, it'll be much easier the next time, without a doubt. Thanks for the lead.
  2. NYHarleyDavidson

    NYHarleyDavidson New Member

    Mar 24, 2012
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    NY, NY
    Thank you for the heads up. As for tires I am set for now but I will research Keene for motorcycle functions. Are any of the forums on bike-talk separated by state? If so, I have yet to find it.

    We do Laconia most years as it is a small journey from the NYC area. Keene is not a problem as it is on the way to both Laconia & Pittsburg NH. I have read you are from NH. My family & I spend a great deal of time in Pittsburg - COOS County. Have you ever "dared" to travel so far north? (LOL). I refer to COOS County as gods country.

    In one of your posts I read, you referenced trips I am personally familiar with in the Lakes and & White Mountain regions. One that is close to my heart and have done many times is the Kangamangus Highway (Spelling ?). If anyone reading this has traveled the Kangamangus on a prior occasion they may appreciate our fondness and purpose in returning to the roadway as often as I have, and if they have not travelled it as of this date, and have the opportunity, please do. You will not be sorry. The scenery is breathtaking as far as the east coast goes. This also applies to the roads in Coos County. They all lead up, down, and around a sharp bend. Easy access to Maine, Vermont and multiple access points to Canada. Additionally the lodging is very inexpensive at the fishing & hunting lodges that dot the landscape. Oh, I almost forgot....no congestion and NO traffic lights for HUNDREDS of miles.....Just open roadway obstructed by the occasional moose and wildlife of the like - deer, coyote, fox, porcupine, etc, etc.

    Stay safe....Paddy O
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012

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