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Dealer Wouldn't do it.

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by cardboard, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    I like that Dunlops are such a sturdy tire, you can actually still ride slowly when it's flat. I saw a nail sticking out of the back tire of my Dyna once, and made the mistake of pulling it out. This was before I had the tire repair kit, so I had no choice but to try to make it home.

    I had about 20 miles to go, so I proceeded down the shoulder of the highway at about 30 mph, thinking I would stop if the tire started to shred. It felt a little squirly, but darn if it didn't hold up OK to get me all the way home. I was impressed. I probably should stick with using them just for that reason.

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