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Election News: G Will Predicts Landslide

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by hotroadking, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    I won't buy Chevrolet or Chrysler products again, I'll buy Ford first and Japanese or European second. Heck with GM and Chrysler. Harley needs to get their heads out of their ars and start making more stuff like their accessories in the USA.
  2. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    I may have made some strong statements about people living in certain parts of this country, so I will apologize if you are from these places, but I stand by my words. Life in America as we knew it 20-60 years ago, is over.
  3. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Well Alex, all I can say is that Oregon where I'm from has always been a strong Democrat state. 40% of us are Republican and if you divide the state in half from the east side to the west side all of the Democrats are on the west side in the liberal large cities. *** town Portland and college towns Eugene-Corvalis and in southern Oregon are what votes in the Democrats. The rest of Oregon is Republican. Those in Central and Eastern Oregon would like to divide the state and creat their own. So it's not the whole states that you refer to in these areas. There are a lot of good Republicans in the western parts of Oregon as well just not enough of us. Also look where the Mexican voters are coming from, the larger cities again. Those states that voted Red also have Democrats in them as well.
  4. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Didn't make a difference but very interesting and it was again covered over.

    Obama fundraiser "news" in Chicago NOT covered by MSM

    Media blackout of black Chicago protesters marching against Obama
    Posted by Anne Sorock
    Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 2:12pm
    Black Chicagoans from the south and west sides took their message to what they say is the source of the problem when they converged outside of a fundraiser held by Mayor Emanuel for Barack Obama and then marched to the studios of ABC News. Their message, “let us work in our own community,” was made all the more poignant as the ABC News crew ignored the news event outside their very studious. Not one camera was sent to cover the news that was, literally, placed at their doorstep.

    The protest, which took place Thursday evening, addressed these community members’ growing desperation as their wartorn neighborhoods are redeveloped by political cronies, evicting residents and shutting out local investors, and use union labor from outside the community to do the work. It’s a corrupt cycle of government “work” that takes advantage of the poor, evicting them, and then redeveloping the properties to benefit anyone but the community.

    In the video below, community members who say they are desperate for jobs and investment, focus their protest against liberal leadership, including Obama and Emanuel, so-called community organizations like ACORN, and unions:

    [Go to article linked here to view video]

    In an earlier video published by “Rebel Pundit” Jeremy Segal, a community member elaborated on the issue the inner-city black community has with unions: they won’t hire black people. Therefore any work going to their communities for building sites, etc., shuts them out of jobs. Segal writes:
    According to Mark Carter of the Broke Party, a newly formed group of black grassroots activists fed up with the destruction and blight brought on their community by the liberal agenda, the protest was “about bringing attention to the demolition of homes in Chicago’s black communities on the west and south sides.” These buildings, Carter says, “can still be saved, but the city is tearing them down,” leaving property values and the community in the gutter.

    Carter told Breitbart News they chose the Obama fundraiser as the starting point for the protest in order to send a direct message to Rahm Emanuel and Washington, D.C. that they will not be voting on Tuesday for those politicians who are allowing their homes and community to be demolished.

    In an effort to bring even further attention to the ongoing issues of the black community in Chicago, the protest ended up outside of ABC 7 News’s local broadcast studio on State Street. This studio can be viewed from the street and sidewalk. When the protesters arrived, they used a bullhorn to announce themselves and called on weather reporter Jerry Taft, seen through the window, not to pretend they weren’t there, prompting a wave from Taft to the protesters.
    As the new jobs numbers show black unemployment has risen to 14.3 percent, this community is desperate for work. They are desperate to find a new way outside of liberal leadership. And they are desperate for the media to stop the blackout on the real stories happening in the inner-city communities.

    What can the inner-city black community do to get ABC News and other outlets to cover their plight, if bringing news to their very doorstep is not enough for the media to pay attention?

    Aside from MSM complicity to prop up El Presidente Bronco Bama (yeah, and Fox News is the biased news source ), it seems things are starting to get a bit "windy" in Chicago... perhaps not enough to effect real, permanent change, but at least the leaves are starting to move in the breeze.
  5. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    Very interesting FLHT. Of course, we all know the news media hides or simply doesn't report anything contentious to O, it seems that only Fox News and BBC give a true picture of what's happening in America today. The liberals all have their heads buried in the sand, or simply call them Republican lies.

    Big city malcontents and ALL universities breed liberal thinking. These are the same people who become Democrats.

    I know there are some Republicans on the Left coast--just not many.
  6. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    It sucks living in a state where your vote doesn't count. We do it anyway in the hopes that someday it will.

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