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Engine Temp Sensor

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by 08XModel, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    The HD parts guy told me that the baro sensor goes into this puter. That's why I thought it may make a spark adjustment for altitude. I think as you go up the hill it should advance the timing a few degrees maybe...
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2009
  2. fujimo

    fujimo New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    tom....harley has all the parts you need to switch to carb,,,,you only have to get a dealer ,,,hionest enough to tell you ,,,or an indy,,,,i got all my parts from gregg cohn,,,except cruise control,,,primo rivera,,,, and can now work on bike ,,,without going to dealer or dyno,,,, cost all of 800,00,,,, not counting cruisse,,, find me any electronic gizmo,,,cardboard or anyone else can buy and install ,,,having to dyno,,,to tune,,,and have to have it done every time they add anything,,,for less than that,,,and if problem develops on cross country ride ,,,they have to have trialered to dealer,,,,loss of riding time,,,, cost of dealer to find and than another dyno,,,, if you ride a lot,,, makes sense to me to be able to fix yourself,,,carbs are easy,,, pops
  3. PAzYearazzUP

    PAzYearazzUP Banned A-Hole

    Apr 7, 2009
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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2009
  4. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    Thanks Pops. I agree, sometimes simplicity is the best.
    I'll check with my local indy shops for this wiring harness. I didn't think about that.
  5. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    You can never have closed loop without an O2 sensor. I should not have eluded to any possibility that closed loop on your HD engine is possible without a O2 sensor. I am sorry that I misspoke on that point. But, with the O2 sensor there is no guarantee that you are in closed loop. That is up to the computer program and the limitations of the sensor. But you do need the O2 sensor to go closed loop.

    Nothing is as it seems. Even the sensors like throttle and temperature are going to be different. The manufactures are under cost constraints and are only going to provide the statistical quality that is needed within budget. Even O2 sensors will be different by some tolerance. This is the point of the problem. You can not possible make every part the same. It is too costly. So when you go closed loop you are essentially only concerned about one part - not the stack-up of errors of all the parts. This allows more control over mass production and the fact that EPA will and does audit all engine families in production and in operation.
  6. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Worked at a Indy shop for a while, been workin with a Mobile Boat Doctor lately.
    The Carbed motors all the time have a needle Valve stuck or trashin it. They got trash in the low speed or high speed jet. The float is stuck. Something is wrong with the float, the gaskets on them are leakin, the accererator pump is bad. Hoses are leakin. Butterflys not right. They are spittin out the carb.
    Yep its all simple but constantly something wrong with them. And plugs don't last as long.
    Got ovwe 25,000 on my Fuel Injected bike with a tuner and auto tune and no problems what so ever.
    If they ever have emmisions testin where you are, a carbed unit will probaly not pass as easily as FI.
  7. PAzYearazzUP

    PAzYearazzUP Banned A-Hole

    Apr 7, 2009
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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2009
  8. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    Cardboard, come on man, you know there are many here that have more than 25K on their carbs and have never had a problem.. right? Look, all things eventually wear out.

    Also, remember, my bike is 10 years older than yours. Your FI system is COMPLETELY different than this first attempt by HD. Also, I doupt your bike would pass an emission test without you having to fiddle with something.

    Somethings do still come with carbs..... don't you watch NASCAR :roflmao:
  9. fujimo

    fujimo New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    leaking trashed /

    lets say all of these happen,,,,most likely you will still be able to nurse it to a place to work on it,,, spark plugs ,,,,WHAT,,,, WITH efi,,,i got 38 mpg,,,lots fuel,,,probably not pass emisions,,,carbed i get 44 plus,,,, pretty lean,,,, most likely will pass,,,, plugged jets??? should have changed filter,,, gaskets,,,, ones now do not leak as soon as 1950 ones,,,, you do understand your efi WILL wear out,,,, and if it totally crashes ,,,get towed,,,, every little piece of electronics on the bikes WILL wear out,,,if on road ,,,you will get towed,,, ,,,fuel lines leak weather carb or efi,,,same type line,,,, at least mine are,,,, well really mine are better as replaced them with better than stock,,,, i absolutly see no advantage to efi,,,outside of elevation cruiseing,,, but than i only carry two screew drivers and a small cresent,,,for carb,,, look at ALL the questions about efi,,,fuel management ,,,electronics etc,,,compared to carb questions,,,, and most answers are,,,buy this ,,,buy that ,,,get dynoed,,, demand dealer do this,,,GOOD LUCK,,,,have a good day cardboard,,,we EACH like what we have,,, but doeas not mean i am right or you are,,,, preferance,,,pops
  10. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Nascar uses carbs because they can inspect them faster to make sure everybody is the same in fuel. Just like they inspect everything else.
    Nascar is strict with their rules.

    NASCAR - JENSEN: The Answer Man - SPEEDtv.com

    With FI bikes, most dyno folks are doing bikes for 250.00 flat rate.
  11. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    im doin my carbed bike for $000.00..........my rate!!!!!!!! lol lol
  12. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Yer OLD school, never been to new school ! There's two sides to the stone.
    Don't ever think you will see the other side.
  13. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    hehehehe...lmao!!!!!!!! i certanly hope not!!!!:roflmao:
  14. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    I have an appreciation for both. I like the advancements we see in technology. I like the addition of processors handling the thousands of decisions that are needed in less than a second. It amazes me when you think about how an F1 car spinning at 18 thousand rpms and can shift with just a flick of a paddle. Let's face it, sh!t like that is mind boggling to think about.
    But, Technology costs more.

    I also like the mechanisms involved with things like carburetors that have been around so long. Even something as simple and elegant as the engine compensator on you HD that's been unchanged since the 30's.
  15. DaveFxst

    DaveFxst New Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    With regard to the engine shutoff issue, I believe the 2009 HD cruisers are set up to shut off the rear cylinder if the motor gets too hot while idling or in traffic. This is mentioned in their ad blurbs. I assume the fuel to that jug shuts off as well as the spark, etc.
  16. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    My 08 Model has it, and if'n I remember right my 07 had it.
    Also think you can turn that function off. I wouldn't want it the function on my bike to work.
    A well tuned bike like one with a TM A/T will cool the bike off more.
    If I can git the TM for the 08 TBW in another month, I will know that I can controll it.
    If my bike gits anywhere near that hot I pull over on the side of the road.
    Heavy traffic can be hard on a Air cooled bike.
  17. BluePearl

    BluePearl New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
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    Ontario Canada
    Got to go with cardboard

    I hate to say it (something about a guy who picks locks for a livin lol) but I like the EFI,hit the run button wait for your pump and bam it starts right up - doesn't matter how cold or damp or how long since last run. I can only speak from experience on the old EVO and Japanese Scrap, but seems they always want a little choke and a good warming up, I like to ride even in 40` weather and the fuelly likes it to and so does my clutch - grabs and goes.
    I do have to agree with pops on the carb being a little more forgiving on breaking down it will give you a warning and usually get you far enough to fix it,but when EFI goes it's gone. Can't help you with the mileage difference only time I get even close to 40 mpg is when the wife is on the back yellin "Slow down" or "Don't you dare pass all those cars at once":D
  18. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    If you sweat bullets about a FI throttle body wearing out, and the injector quitin and you don't know how to replace it send it to these folks and they will do a job on it for you.

    Welcome | HorsePower Incorporated
  19. fujimo

    fujimo New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    send it

    there you go again,,,send it ,,tow it,,, buy it ,,,,dyno itmoney it,,,money it ,,,money it,,,,pops
  20. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    An Old Carb will probaly gve you problems before a fuel injected TB will.
    You just got to like progress.

    There's a dude on another forum I been talkin with for a few years. He makes his living building bikes and works at a Harley Dealership for the insurance and benefits. He's been on both Old School and New School.
    He has stated many times, its much easier to crank a bike with a FI motor, the TB and injectors is easier to clean, the motor runs smoother all way threw the power range. They will outlast a carbuerator. The bike is easier to tune .
    Got another Buddy back in Newton, Alabama that builds bikes, he also builds Drag Bikes. Hes said the same thing about FI bikes being better than carbed bikes. He will also state some folks just want to stay OLD SCHOOL, and don't like change.
    But change has been good and the new bikes run much smoother .
    I can ride a older touring bike and can feel the shifter and everything shakin, and ride the newer bike, with a easier to pull clutch, better brakes, easier startin. Smoother runnin.
    I've owned a 64 Duo Glide back in the 60's, had shovel heads and Twin Cams. I like the 07 and above FI bikes.
    If you want to stay Old School that's yer choice, and I'm happy for you. But the new bikes are running great. YOu just got to learn Change .
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009

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