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"going to syns" for Daytona trip(HRK or CD)

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by voodoo1, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    For the first time I am gonna put all Synthetics in my wide glide (this one is an 02).... matter of fact ...this will be the first bike I have owned over the years to use syns. Is there one brand that makes all the products other than HD? I have read about purple..mobil.etc..anyone seen better results with one than the other? I think HRK and/or one of the other usuals mentioned a few brands. Anything to stay away from?
    No big deal but just curious... oh yeah the turbo charged bike I have mentioned will be down there too. Still gotta get a picture on here of that wild ride!!!! flat crazy and sharp looking.
    Thanks in Advance for any input. :cool:
  2. SISK

    SISK New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
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    Las Vegas
    Synsational Lubrication


    I know you're looking for a qualified response from HRK or CD, but I wanted to toss in my .02 cents...

    I've been running the HD 20/50 SYN (which is apparently made for HD by the Sunoco Petroleum Company) in my bike for the past year and have been very pleased. Each time I check the oil it still has the light amber color it had when I put it in, and it has never smelled old or burned like regular dino oils. However, next oil change I will be changing to Amsoil synthetic 20/50. I have no personal experience or first hand scientific basis for changing, but based on info I've read and heard, my preference has been swayed to Amsoil.
    But I'm sold on synthetic and will continue using it in my bike an I'm starting to use it in my other vehicles as well.


    Learn from the mistakes of others; you won’t live long enough to make all of them yourself.
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Been busy fightin the Hurricane now that powers up and all.

    The syn issue has been resolved now it's all about
    which one.

    Many feel the HD syn is good, however rumors abound from shop techs on various sites about trannys taking dumps running the syn. Personally I haven't seen it happen. However IMHO gear oil is better in the trans.

    Mobil 1 V-twin or Red Cap Auto Syn in the Motor ONLY
    Redline Heavy Shock Proof in the trans or Amsoil Synthetic gear oil
    Redline MTL in the primary

    If you Run HD syn they propose all three, I tried it and prefer the others, they seemed quiet and less noise than HD and at $8.25 a qt wheeew!

    You can get the Mobil 1 red cap at Wally Mart for $4
    I run Castrol V-twin at $6.25 a qt

    You can buy cases of Redline or Amsoil online for less.

    Overall the HD is... you guessed more expensive.
  4. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    quick question(thanks 2u2sisk)

    anyone else sell a chrome filter( :cool: )(I'll probably just order a chrome heat sync type cover in the end)
    thanks for the input from all!!! I do to look to those who offer their IMHO as well as proven facts just a few more than othersLOL. I read other postings by individuals and see what I know and what I can learn vs. what they are saying and then foind the facts. This site is great for that. I have picked up alot of little nuances about stuff i do not even or want too but hey ya never know!!! HD is steep on alot of silly things in my opinion that with some looking into there are alternatives. If this were a car I would have had no quiestions at all on what to do but part of the HD mystery...mystic... as they call it is leaving/leading people into the dark and then sell their "HD has the only light in town"...... then again maybe Willy G has is own oil rig with a special blend for Hd :rolleyes:

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