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HD warranty

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by cardboard, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    Apes may look cool, but they never where my choice.JMO Now that I think of it 'did have Z-bars on my first bike,looked cool but not so high.
  2. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Re: I have an Idea....

    Lets have a huge discussion on which is better. Drag bars or Ape hangers??:roflmao::roflmao: Just kidding there Charlie. I am getting to that point more and more as well. Do it myself. Although I do have an indy that I trust. I have never any type of vehicle brand new so I have no idea how factory service is..
  3. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    Re: I have an Idea....

    I do have an indy that I trust. I have never any type of vehicle brand new so I have no idea how factory service is..[/QUOTE]

    Well,you go into these Dealeships shops and you see all the latest tools and equipment,clean floors,uniformed and factory trained 'mecanics'. Gee"must be a great place to have my bike serviced,repaired,taken care of",,,NOT. My expierience and maybe just mine, but there seems to be a grossly lacking sense of caring about the customer. Also haven't seen any sense of urgency or enthusiam on the employees or manegments part. And forget about the prices they charge,like havig a Ferrari worked on..Again just my experience. I have a indy I trust even though he screwed up my tranny big time. BUT he also took the respnsibillity for the screw-up and fixed it to my sattisfaction. And ther you have a dealer who can't even install repacement grips correctly and won't take care of the problem that he caused.:gah:
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    It all depends on the dealer, the SM and the attitude of the business

    I know of Indy's that have done work that is shoddy, because many of the
    customers are cheap, they do what's required to get by for a lot of folks
    and that becomes the norm.

    Two here have worked on friends bikes and costs them $1000's only to end up in my
    personal garage and get fixed properly. Both from the same shops, both shops have decent reps, One did a new valve job, only they put different valves in each head, different brands, different size.. Other couldn't diagnose a miss among other things

    All they had to do was listen to the customer, which they know better, he said to me it pops, backfires and misses. Simple question, "All the time" ans "no" well then when? cold, Hot, Ans: when it rains. DUH ok theres your clue.

    15 min later diagnosed a bad plug wire.

    so simple to complex.

    Local HD dealer here (3) the mgr of one has moved to the other, and
    that's where I go for warranty, he's been here a long time, and makes sure
    stuff gets done right. Just as good as the indy..

    Still do 99% myself.
  5. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    Well there are way more Indy's to sellect from in any given area,usually only one dealership. If you're fourtunate to have a dealer nearby you trust that's great. Most riders can't buy ALL the tools and test equipement so, a good indy is a great find. ANd do everything yiu can do yourself. JMO
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    If you need one, see jake at East Orlando HD, vs that guy in your area... LOL

    Jakes a good guy, former LEO, East does a lot of the county and city cop bikes around

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