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    There's always someone around willing to help out with questions or give a friendly wave back. All Harley and metric riders are welcome.

Here's one for you..Harley's on strike

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Sleepy, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Unions....who needs them?

    The real answer to that is most everyone. Sure theres a lot of featherbedding and corruption, because in the end unions are like anything else that involves politics. But, the Unions do a heck of a lot of good as well. And the people that benefit most are usually non union. The threat of a union coming in keeps a lot of employers a lot more flexible and a bit more eager to compensate thier workers.
    The Unions perform a needed service...they keep big business in check a bit. Back when I was doing construction I worked both kinds of Unions good and bad...and I worked in some states that were non union. The company I was with had a contract with us so we got decent pay. I really hated to see the poor slobs that were working there buns off for 1/3 of what they should have been making.
    In a perfect world employers would realize that the most important asset any company has is it people and treat them as such. Such isn't the case though.

    Ride Free.........

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