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Hit from behind

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Hot01, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    cardboard, your' from texas, how come your wife wasn't firing and reloading on the guy :D

    If you don't have one get a steibel air horn, compact and fits right where the cow bell horn is, friggin loud! and under $60.

    Abby good luck, remember you have future medical assistance that may be needed for recovery

    I bet you nail a big one out of this, remember we helped so a party in Denver is required ! :p
  2. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado

    I'm finally feeling better emotionally. Everything still hurts when I stop taking the drugs, but at least I don't feel like someone died anymore. I'm bummed that I'm missing so much great riding, but I'll be OK.

    Another lawyer called me yesterday and told me that the fact that I only missed two days of work is good. He said that juries (not that I want to go to court, but I'm sure if juries feel this way, they insurance company will be less likely to want to go to court) tend to be more favorable to people who are working even if they're in pain. I told him it totally sucks because I am in pain. I would have loved to take some time off to heal, but I can't. By the time I get home, everything hurts and I'm shot. My hand has really been hurting lately, as is my lower back. I just hope everything's good by the time my bike is done. I'm trying to tell myself that it's a good thing the bike isn't good to ride, because I'd be riding it and my hand would never heal.

    Anyway, I'm tracking everything: when I can't sleep, when things hurt, every social event I miss, every time I cry from being so freaking depressed that I can't ride (good thing about being a chick - I can say that out loud), everything. I paid a boatload of money for summer ice hockey and got to play three games before the accident, so they'll be paying me back for that too.

    Right now I'm looking for a check to pay me for the money I lost not being able to teach the motorcycle classes. I've lost about $1,500 so far, plus I need to teach to keep my certification. :mad: Fortunately they teach all year here, so I'll have time to get some classes in so I don't lose it.

    Have I told you how much I hate being Joe Citizen driving around in a Toyota? :cussing:
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    "Have I told you how much I hate being Joe Citizen driving around in a Toyota? "

    lol lol...........but i bet ya look good doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

    you are young, things will heal quickly for you,,,,just dont push it. you dont want it to take longer than it should........:)
  4. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Dang, I sure wish you felt better and had your ride back. Especially since it sounds like she'll even be sweeter than before the wreck.

    Have you come up with a new name for HOT01? Or are you waiting to be inspired when ya get her back? Or did I miss it in another post?

    Hopefully when your bike is ready to ride your body will be ready to ride, too. Take care and mend well.
  5. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    I have a new name in the works, but I'm waiting until I get the word from the DMV before I mention it. I've told a few people who really like it, but I think you have to be over 40 to truly appreciate it. I should be hearing any day now.

    Some people suggested STABCK for my new license plate.
  6. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Do they make a motorcycle Wii game yet? They're using certain Wii for physical rehab now..cool game.

    Hope you're healing well. I drove my truck to Colorado for the 4th. Was supposed to ride in the Independence Day Parade in Aspen, but decided it wasn't worth dealing with the damn yuppies in that town (we call them "zip code riders" because they rarely venture away from their zip code on their bikes). Mostly relaxed away from the Vegas heat (only 112ยบ today). Did bring back a moped though (the truck was useful, if not expensive on gas). The thing is only 50cc, one gear, clutchless, can't go faster than 32-34 mph, but gets 80-100 mpg..great for the short commute to the hospital. Figure I can go to work and back for 3 months on one gallon of gas or less (not quite 3 mile round trip).

    Any way Abby, stick to your guns and get a decent settlement on the pain and suffering. It'll pay for a nice vacation or two with extra goodies for the bike.
  7. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    My Buddy Ricky I ride with that live across the street from me came over and told me his sister in law's boyfriend that rides a Sporster got hit from behind the 4th of July weekend, they took him to the hospital and kept him for a day. He wasn't wearing a helment either. Hear hes having a hard time gittin around right now too.
    Supposly the lady that hit him tried to run and some cars blocked her in..
    His girlfriend has done give him the ultimatum, either the motorcycle goes or I do.
    That would be a easy deceision for me. Bye lady. Have a nice day.

    Seems like everytime I turn around somebody else it gittin hit by a motorist.
    Freaks me out, and I try to be as causious as I can be and its still tough with motorists.
  8. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Consider that gas is $4 a gallon you're gonna see more moped motorcycles etc on the road, which means more inexperienced riders and more collisions just from the sheer numbers increase.
  9. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Yesterday I was sitting at a 4-way stop on my Harley and it became my turn to proceed. I was going to go straight ahead and started to do so. To my right I observed a car driven by a women with a child in the back seat coming up to the stop. As I was in the middle of the intersection the women driver never stopped at the stop sign but proceeded to make a right turn. She knew I was there as she sped up as if she was trying to beat me through the intersect. I had to come to a full stop otherwise she would have hit me. I laid on the horn and yelled at her :cussing: at her. She looked me straight in the eyes and then shrugged her shoulders to say fukkk off I'm going anyway. If I could have gotten up beside her I would have kicked a dent in the side of her dame thin skinned Japanese car door.

    I remember my dad back in the 60's always carried a sawed off baseball bat with him in a rifle scabbard and remember stories of him saying I got this one car good right across the fender bet he doesn't pull out in front of me anymore. I used to think he was crazy doing that but back then you could smack a fender and it probably wouldn't even dent it, bet it got there attention and who would want to mess with a crazy guy with a baseball bat anyway. :eek:

    I think more people today are in to big of a hurry and care even less if they hurt you. I hear of to many stories on the news of hit and runs.

    As for this women I'm sure if she did hit me she would have used the same old lame excuse, I didn't see him. :angry:
  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Best to let it go, nothing you do will improve the situation and your experience and training took over, that's why you're here to post.

    People like that will get what comes to them.

    I just give them the look, if the windows open I'll say, you know I have a kid like you do, stunts like you pulled could make my kid fatherless, how would your life change if you killed someone to get to a store in a hurry.
  11. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    It has been a few weeks ago now, but I had a woman run my taillight for several miles. She finally passed me and hardly crossed the centerline. Her mirror almost caught my bars. Normally I don't support bikers fighting with cars as we are at a terrible disadvantage. I can see if a motorcycle screws with a car, the driver "DIDN'T SEE HIM" while running his dumbass over. However, this b*tch fired me up beyond belief. I ran her down at the next light and as I was putting the kickstand down the light turned and she bolted. I had every intention of removing her backglass so as she would be more inclined to hang around and chat about it. I am glad the old b*tch bolted as I would probably be in prison for beating her to death.

    Ever remember the days as kids when we were told to go play in traffic. Well as adults we have chosen a hobby that makes us do just that. We know it is dangerous, we know the risks, yet there is something about it that is in our blood that makes us do it. Unpleasent things happen, I just hope that it don't happen to me or my friends. We should simply thank whichever God we choose for every near miss and forget about them and enjoy our riding while we can. If we survive the altercation and can prove the fault of the other person then that person should be held FULLY accountable to us and if we don't then to our families. However I have seen MANY bikes doing stupid stuff, which they may not deserve to die for, but I wouldn't be too upset or surprised if they did. The genepool is over crowded with idiot genes anyway.

    Abby I am sorry for your bad luck, and glad things are coming along for you. I hope you get the accountable party well enough that you need an Accountant to manage your new bank account for ya. Heal well and quickly, and I can't wait to see the photos of your newly remodeled scooter. I am sure it will be quite the ride.
  12. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV

    DANG I wish I had seen your post before making mine. I couldn't agree with you more man.
  13. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    I still want to beat the crap out of her but then I would be labeled as a 1% and thrown in jail and be labeled as a dangerous criminal, women beater a sexual preditor or whatever. Sure would have felt good while doing it though. :D
    You try to eduacate these dumb as-s people but they have a one track mind, get out of my way. :rant:
  14. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Last year I had one of those "look right at me and keep going" issues. I was at a traffic light waiting for the green arrow. A couple (woman driving) was across the intersection. When the cross-traffic stopped, I got my green arrow. Of course she felt it was her right to turn right on red without making sure it was clear. I honked, she looked me right in the eye and kept on going. I passed her close making as much noise as possible. When we stopped at the light, I put my kickstand down to go ask her why she kept coming when she saw me, but she stopped about 3 car lengths back. I could see her mouth running and her poor boyfriend or husband was staring out his window trying to ignore her.
  15. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Its like just because you ride a motorcycle that your considered a second class citizen with second class rights, especially on the road. Unfortunately with more people starting to ride motorcycles there will be more motorcycle accidents and more people with that lame excuse, I didn't see him. :angry:
  16. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    your right marc the fact is that all the mopeds are not going to help the situation as they are slow and inexperianced but still leave a black mark on the rest just because they are two wheeled but with the increase in two wheel traffic i can only hope that their awarness heightens so that they start looking for their sons and daughters on the mopeds(efficent transportation) in which they start respecting all scoots, and their right to be on the road there was a story today on xm that the little moped scooters are for the most part out of stock as they can travel up to 75-80mpgs and 4-6 can share a parking space for the price of one, i think they were talking NY and Chicago. and motorcycle sales and repair parts sales for older bikes are skyrocketing as JQ public is figuring out that cost saving transportation is enjoyable too. but in the meantime it still erks me :cussing: :angry:
  17. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i have kicked the outside mirrors off of two different cars..........while moving.........dont try it.........nuff said..............:)
  18. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    It's sad but it's just the way things are nowadays, no one really gives a **** about anyone else and it is really reflected in the way people drive and if you're on a bike, some days it just don't pay, they establish eye contact and then do their best to run you off the road. Riding a bike up here in Calgary can get a little scary..people here drive that badly. I don't get pissed off anymore..I just ride around 'em..they're just a bunch of pylons anyway.
  19. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    That is one reason why I will never get rid of my loud pipes. If they don't see me they sure as helllllllll hear me. I didn't rap my pipes the other day when that bitcj didn't stop at the stop sign.
    The bad thing with all this about cage drivers not seeing us is if one person hits us the rest really don't hear about the consequences and quit frankly do they really care.
    Hmmm, maybe a baseball bat is in order. :rolleyes:
  20. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Last night a friend and I are riding home from a BBQ joint around 10ish
    we're coming down a road to a 4 way intersection with light heading east.

    There is a right turn lane going west, only one car, buds in front, we're coming up a small rise (in FL there are not many things you can call a hill)

    He's accelerated some, I'm behind him and I got this feeling that someone was going to pull out on us, weird but I had it coming down that road.

    Sure enough woman with kid in passenger seat sitting in the turn lane pull right out in front of him, he's on the horn (air horn), I had just rolled off the throttle
    he skidded to slow some and missed her. I saw the kids eyes in the window, still can see her face that's how close it was, now we had two bikes on a lit street at an intersection with three lights on each bike, no way she couldn't see us,

    Never slowed she just pulled out and went on.

    I think they believe we have to slow down because they are protected so they won't get hurt so it's not a risk to them.

    thought about chasing her down but at night me on a black bike, well, nobody would have though twice if she tried to ram me.

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