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ignition woes! 80 sportster??

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by maxboomer, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. maxboomer

    maxboomer New Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    sporty wont start
    new points new condenser, will not go back to electronic ignition, i am fed up with it! old school applies here folks. here's whats up, will crank and back fire, and choke up through the super e carb,tried advance and retard on the timing plate, even advance a little further with the help of my buddy mr. dremmel, to no avail i still cant start my wheelchair. i have spark,at points and at plugs, i have a mini coil suppling 80 thousand volts. everything is correct. i do have a bigger cam, and it is a stage 2 screaming eagle sporty, i am soooooooo close please help me
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    You need three things to get a motor to run


    Check compression on both cylinders, when the changes were made did you put in adjustable pushrods? Regardless one or more of the valves may not be closing fully so you wouldn't get compression.

    See Mikey and Vinnie build their first motor and it wouldnt run on national TV, all because the adustables were not setup correctly and they had no compression, I was yelling at the TV LOL you could tell because it just turned over and over.

    Check for spark,

    Check for fuel.

    Pretty much it, other parts are fine tuning, unless you have a bad component in the mix. Rule out the others and it will point you to the solution.

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