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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Hot01, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Finished yer book! I enjoyed it. Congratulations on all your accomplishments!:)
  2. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Got your book today and finished it in one sitting! That was one fine read. You did a great job of conveying your early struggles without sounding bitter or whiny at all...I doubt I could pull that off, if I ever attempt to do a biographical tale.

    You also captured the whole Lone Rider feel that I so enjoy myself. I really connected with your telling of meeting other folks, riders and cagers alike, and just chatting 'em up like you all are meeting at the same party for a mutual friend (the Road?). That is one thing that I dislike about riding with a group, because when the group stops 90% of 'em just want to hang together and not reach out to others along the way.

    I did notice big differences (not good or bad, just differences) in the way you ride vs. me. I'm not a big planner of routes or destinations, unless I have a meet scheduled with someone. Heck, I even forgot my road atlas last time out and did a lot of "well, I'll just head that way until I see another road that gets closer to where I think I need to be" than a set plan. I also (wimp out?) brought camp gear only for emergency stranding - I ended up just moteling it or shacking up at friends. I don't make reservations because I don't want to HAVE to stop...but my way has it's risks, too.

    I'm glad you told a good bit about your strip club days. Even though I hugely appreciate the female body, I always thought those places were sad, in so many ways.

    I'm really pleased to get the mention by name on page 152 - far more so because this is a book I'm recommending to folks! Great job - now when can you get another one out? SERIOUSLY! "Blockhead Sojourn"?

    Congratulations for a job well done. I'm so glad it is such a good read! Thank you for sharing your journey, so far...........
  3. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Thanks for reading!

    Red, I agree with the planning aspect. Last year I took off without a map and just headed east. I finally bought a map at the Mississippi because I was trying to get to a specific small town in Ohio. It's much better doing it that way. Of course the big difference being that I had a job to get back to on the first trip and had all the time I wanted on last year's trip.

    One of the women at the workshop said that after all I'd been through, it was surprising that it didn't sound as though I hated men. And I don't. I'm wicked scared of relationships, but I figure that will go away if it's meant to.

    I try to make the point with my family early on that we all act according to our past experiences. Men and women get this bias against each other because they were hurt or are having a hard time in a relationship, but it's impossible to say that "all men" or "all women" are a certain way, because they aren't. It's often assumed women get into motorcycles because of their husband/boyfriend, although I'm sure I'm not the first woman who hooked up with a guy for his motorcycle. :roflmao:

    Attached Files:

  4. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    Just like you said Abby, everyone has their own (maybe not so unique) reason for riding a motorcycle. I always like hearing the part about "why" the best. I never assumed the general thought that women are looking for men when they ride. And just like the stereo-typical joke that is attached with the photo above, men are a little easier to predict the "why".

    My story is somewhat familiar to a point, but it does have a sinister twist that I won't bore you all with now.

    Can't wait for my copy to arrive.

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