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jesse james' "dork" comment

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by voodoo1, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    not sure if

    I never seen him at one..I miss this one though and never paid any mind to anyone in sturgis even when I lived out that way but he was a pup back then in the 80s and early 90s.
    oh well let me have a crack I'll say something dorky......but more power to him and hey then again that would be what he'd want ...someone to say something so he could come up with a tuff comment in return...so just walk up and put a whompin' on him!! LOL!! ah whatever!!!! We know...and he is still gonna live the way he wants or the way the TV want him to portay.....people eat it up!!!!
  2. troy boy

    troy boy New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    jesse james "dork" comment

    I cant believe this guy can say something like that about people that help his image of building bikes when he should be thanking everyone for helping him get to where he is today.Just proves he is a A-HOLE and should be dragged behing one of his own bikes that he built.I know there is a lot of chopper builders out there.But after that comment i wont even watch him on T.V anymore.I will have to stick to Paul snr and Paul jnr from now on.This sort of verbal crap he has spoken will effect people in Australia as well.May his wheels go rusty and fuel go dirty.
    I HAVE SPOKEN! :mad:
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    So Troy, welcome aboard and please do tell us how you really feel about JJ anytime:D ;)
  4. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    Who's he to call us dorks when all his followers are now buying his West Coast Choppers gear at their local WalMart on the "sale" racks :rolleyes: :p His time will pass and he'll be a POS nobody broke as a joke cuz he's paying child support and alimony to 10 wives...doesn't he ever think,"well maybe its me thats the problem" :confused:

    I had one of his stocking caps once...Looked cool, but you couldn't ride with it cuz it blew off at speed. Now what kind of biker merchandise isn't made to be used while riding. After pulling that thing down every other minute on my way out to the black hills two years ago, a side gust caught me by surprise and blew that piece of crap off my head....Do you think I stopped to pick it up....Do you think I'd ever buy any other WCC gear :rolleyes:
  5. basket case king

    basket case king New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    Jessie James Fan

    If it wasn't for the dorks at HD inventing their style of motorcycles jj would have nothing to do Do you think he would have invented the v twin combustion engine I think not he would have let some dork invent it for him
  6. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    yeah but

    he did turn a cop car into a dooghnut machine...and a race car into a paint machine..oh wait yeah those too werealready invented by someone else and he managed to squeeze a buck out it on tv by putting them together with other's help.I'd say he among us Dorks and ought be proud of adding his own uniqueness to the whole thing but I'd say that.... not him..... he seems to think he invented a new wheel and we are dorks... for having anything less than his self righteous crap. The dude I'm sure has a photo glam shot somewhere all dolled up for tv resumes' anyone here have a glam shot? nope not us real men(I mean dorks).. I really am gonna get me a shirt made up out here through a local biker T-shirt dude that will read, "I may be a dork but Jesse is a girls name!!!" maybe I'll post it? CD could carry the spring line up,oh well he is making a buck at something he likes and got us talking about him ..dang it all!!
  7. rickr01

    rickr01 New Member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    HAHAHAHAHEHEHEHE, I almost fell off of my chair! Thats It, I am going to absolutely 100%ly have a T made up with a picture of Jesse on the front in pig tails and a dress, and Have the Logo I may be a Harley Dork, But Jesse is a girls name!!! Printed on it. Anyone out there Do the T thing?? I will search to find someone! HAHAHA!!! :D Even his voice is F- ggy er I mean girlie! hehehe
  8. bluejay864

    bluejay864 New Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    Miss Lead

    I get the idea that jj has'nt noticed who is wearing his CRAP. If you have to advertize for a individual with such a high regard for himself, maybe you should check yourself. Knowing there are many talented bike artists out in this world. The truth is, flappin his lips about nothing gets exposure. When your the real deal the proof is in the pudding! Ride On Bro's!!!
  9. troy boy

    troy boy New Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    JJ dork comment

    I wont be touching any of his merchancrap since this coment.The H/D has contributed to his image and he goes and says S**T like this :mad: .I even see he has sponsorship on a top fuel dragster for christs sake.Who the hell does he think he is.A God of H/D bikes.Maybe he should stop flapping those girly gums of his and piss off and modify Japanese bikes for a living,because us Harley dorks musnt be good enough anymore for him to say that.Has any made up a T-shirt as yet?Put up a pic if someone has.
  10. phreak

    phreak New Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    jj and occ

    ok yes jesse james is an ignorant rich punk but just the same you shouldnt put occ with him occ builds bikes for people not for money they build bikes becuase it is something they love to do and personally occ is the best custom bike shop around so no i wopuld buy jj stuff but considering what occ has done with the 911 and the nyny fire bike and the jet bike i think they show that they care about people and the usa and i know they respect hd cause they are the god fathers of motorcycles if you know what i mean

    :D :) :cool: :mad:
  11. Monster_Mastiff87

    Monster_Mastiff87 New Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    I live on the outskirts of Houston Texas...I am or
    i didnt hear of a comment... Plus, umm **** that dude? pardon my language and alll but if someone is going to make fun other riders, thats just dumb.. It doesnt matter what you ride, as long as you like to (except for crotch rocket riders, though that is my opinion) but screw that dude, let him build his 20 bikes a year, i know someone with a Honda VTX 1800 that will smoke any bike he`s got..... P.S. any GUY who files a suit of assault/battery especially against his soon to be EX wife, is no outlaw, he is what we youngsters call a "poser"... :D
  12. Omen

    Omen New Member

    May 23, 2005
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    Hi Guys,

    Was doing a little googling for parts and came across this forum and then this thread and just had to reply.

    I personally didn't see the show, I wish I had. But for a few years now I've been paying attention to Jesse and his doings and quite frankly I can't say a bad thing out him.

    Refering back to an earlier post I read where someone said he is "selective" about who he builds for and it reminded me of this little story- Sometime last year the lead singer for Limp Bizkit, Fred Durst came to Jesse and asked him to build a bike for him and Jesse told Fred that there was a waiting list. At this point Fred trys to bribe Jesse to put him up front of the rest by offering more money. And now this is the part I like, Jesse told him to leave his shop and he'd NEVER build him a bike!

    I was recently in LA and of course I went to his shop in Long Beach to buy some goods and hopefully exchange a few words with Jesse but no luck. I did get to see some killer bikes though!
  13. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    I didn't remember who it was but that was the story.
  14. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    remember this thread?

    this is a few years old now.. but it how other thought about JJ then.... more power to him ....I do not know thw nman ...but the comment I heard him make on Tv was enough not to want me. Maybe I got bike envy...:cool: Nah.... it is just his image.....but ya gotta watch who you a "imaging" on depsite your own face.....so to speak...
  15. basket case king

    basket case king New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    j james

    i should have put a cammera in my garage 10 years ago maybe i would not have to build a bike for fred durst either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. Texas Road Glide

    Texas Road Glide New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Galveston, Texas
    as for me, i could never afford a 100 thousand dollar bike.and even if i could,i wouldnt buy one. the idea of a bunch of bikes, sounds alot better than just one bike......
    as for his bad boy image, ya it takes a real man to hit a woman, that man hit my ole lady, she wouldnt even waste her time, she would just pull the trigger.........
    as for a dork, i aint no dork!!!!! but i do ride a harley
    and mine is paid for and gets me from point A to point B
    laughing all the way......as i ride to the bank.....



  17. hookvnv

    hookvnv New Member

    Sep 10, 2006
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    whos the dork

    thats the question whos the dork?i dont walk around in 80 90 or 100 degree temps. with a stocking cap pulled down over my ears like he and the rest of his dork followers do,i keep thinking they didnt wash their ears and they dont want no one to see lmao.....hook
  18. Pixs

    Pixs New Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Oceanside CA
    Different strokes. . .

    Interesting thread. I didn't see the show but from what I see here a lot of you folks took offence. I guess that it's your right, myself, I'm not in the sh|t bisiness: I don't give a sh|t and I don't take any sh|t.

    I can see his point, crying out against the delusion of the biker cult. That would be a little shorty sighted on his part. The motorcycling/biker community is probably the most diverse on the planet. So who is the poser or the wanna bee, is it true, $20,000.00 and 2 wheels doesn't make you a biker? Depends on who you ask.

    I helped to form a 1% club, never wore the colors. I joined HOG, don't go to meetings or ride in formation. I show respect for all riders, they are in the wind. Choppers are not for me, doesn't mean that I don't like to look or that I bad mouth the builder. I appreciate the one off made by the rider not the one from a custom shop. I'm confounded by the folks that trailer their bikes to runs, I don't get the presenters.

    I don't put anything on my bikes that doesn't enhance the performance; the wife deals with the bling (I'm lucky there, she likes flat black). I don't owne a cage but I drive Sue's sometimes.

    What's the point? We're all different, even JJ and the Tuttles, get over it.

    Best to all, and I do mean all,

    Pixs :cheers:

    ps. my idea of a good run, note the formation:
    http://s129.photobucket.com/albums/p235/Pixs1944/Rosarito Run/?start=all
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2007
  19. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    So Pixs, where you at in those photos?
  20. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN

    Me too...he was my idol growing up.:cheers:

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