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jetting & unknown pipes

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by harley_z, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. harley_z

    harley_z New Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Wondering if anyone has any advice on this. Just bought a '91 sporty. Have put on about 1000 miles. The bike now has just over 5000 miles on it. No major problems, doesn't run extremely hot (oil is usually around 175-200 when sitting in traffic). When it is warming up it runs extremely jumpy for the first couple of miles. after that it's fine. I get some backfires when decelerating occasionally. The guy I bought this from had it for the past 9 years and never rode it. He didn't know what kind of aftermarket pipes were put on. The heads are now extremely blue. Any ideas for what settings to start at?
    Would it be easier to get a new exhaust system and a jet kit to match?
    Right now I'm looking at Samson big guns or Hard Kromes staggered. Any thoughts on either of these?

  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Probably rich, with the pipes blue, gold is lean (hot)

    Best way is with a dyno tune with the AFR probe to sniff the gas mix.

    Either of those pipes or a simple set of slip ons with chrome covers for the headers would work. Khrome Werks, Cycle Shack,

    The V&H staggered shots look good on a sporty and sound good.

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