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    There's always someone around willing to help out with questions or give a friendly wave back. All Harley and metric riders are welcome.

Just a thought

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Seahag, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mankato, MN
    I know we have a lot of new and returning members re-registering and maybe its none of my business but...would it hurt to list in your personal bio where home is for you? Maybe its just me, but I always look to see where people are from when I first "discover" them on the board. Maybe I just do it hoping some day someone from the upper midwest will come on board and I'll have someone to meet up will at local rallies. I've been telling everyone I know about this site for three years now and I still don't ever find anyone from Minnesota...It would be great to live down in the southwest where it appears most of you are and make it to the same rallies and group rides...anyway...not to put anyone out...it was just a thought. :eek:
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Not a bad idea.


    That is not a bad idea at all. For those already registered, you can select User CP on the left side of the tool bar and edit your profile easily.

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