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"led" is a joke...

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by voodoo1, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    bought an LED to put in as a brake light..the first one spun and the glass was crackedas well as i did not notice the wire was inside the bulb was not attached. took it back to the store got another one,,,put it in and blah........it was not as bright as an ol' 1157..... I parked it beside an 05 1200 custom (with the regular bulb in it) and my 02wide glide's brake light/tail light was about half as bright with this LED , just looking for as much light to throw as possible.
    got any CD bulbs that'll blind' em when I stop or see me in the night?(without melting the plastic lens :D ?) Meantime back to the good ol' 1157.
    lasting longer means nothing it you can't be seen!!!IMHO
  2. hdhelgy

    hdhelgy New Member

    Feb 27, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Brighten your day

    I dont know what type of bike you are trying to install this on, but Harley has a brake light/ turn signal adapter. It turns your turn signals into brake lights also. There are also some aftermarket ones on the market too.
  3. ronrieger

    ronrieger New Member

    Apr 4, 2004
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    Kuryakyn Module

    I also tried the LED and found it to not be as bright as the 1157 bulb so I left the 1157 in the brake light and added the module.

    The best module that I have found that fits most HD's is the Kuryakyn Run-Turn-Brake Module Part #4859. It converts your rear turn signals to running lights, brake lights, and turn signals plus each time you apply the front or rear brake all three rear lights flash three times before going to a steady on. This really gets the attention of whoever is behind you. I think with the three flashes, this gets the driver's attention behind you while he wonders for a second what is going on. Retail is $69.95 and worth every penny. In Texas (maybe other states as well) you will also need to change the rear turn signal lenses from amber to red to be legal... that's another $17.00 if purchased from the stealer.

    The module and lens replacement is very simple and can be accomplished in a few minutes by anyone.

  4. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
    Likes Received:
    thanks I am

    aware/familiar with the conversion kit for HDs, itworks great, I was given the impression that these LEDs I purchased were real bright as well, based on a few people I knew that bought them also. Well they were not right and now I like you have changed back to bulbs.
  5. CD

    CD Guest

    We tested all of the 1157 LED conversion bulbs we could find a couple years ago. Most we tested were dim as all get out. We even tried the supposedly really bright ones from a local truck stop and while they were brighter I would not run one. The only way we ever got one to be even close to the 1157 was a clear lens and a red LED...butt ugly IMHO.

    Now, there are some better units but still the 1157 direct plug in is pretty dim to me. Adjure has kits that replace the lens and have a 39 LED pc board and are really bright. They also have turn signal LED lenses. The Panacea system from Kuryakyn is very well designed, bright and can integrate their LED turn signals also. Pretty pricey but a nice option.

    Hitech and Drag both have LED lenses that are bright and cost effective.

    So, if you want LED I would go with a lens conversion...
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I run the panecea from kuryakyn, several friends have gone out and bought them after riding behind me, get the led turn signals as well, it really helps you get the multi flash at braking and it is bright, skip the clear ones, the sun comes through the lens and washes out the light.

    The red works best.
  7. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    thanks again fellas!!!CD/HRK but...?

    which part number/model are we talking here?
    (02 wide glide)
    the ka4970?
    while we are at it healight too please...(gotta remember to order hat too)!!!
    thanks AGAIN AND I'll have one of these from too ya by months end CD.
  8. goliath

    goliath New Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    i bought the bullet lights with LED. brighter than anything on the road. i have an electronic system from thunderheart that blinks the lights 3 times when braking and also uses them as turn signals. might want to invest in these. not cheap but work really well. :)
  9. Harleybill

    Harleybill New Member

    Feb 13, 2005
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    Bright LED's

    I put a LED light in my 01 FXST from Radiantz. It had something like 168 LEDs and was really BRIGHT. I was riding with some friends at night and we got separated. About 1 hour later they came up behind me and at the next stop mentioned that they could see my taillight from way back and figured it was me.

    I was really happy with it. They are located in Orange County CA. They have a website as well: www.radiantz.com. I'm planning on putting their brake/tail light on my FLHR as well.

  10. John E Currin

    John E Currin New Member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    stop light turn light combo

    I have a 92 FLHS and want to have rear turn signals that also come on for brake lights when applied. Any one know where I can get this setup? :confused:
  11. tinsin

    tinsin New Member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    LED lights

    RonR ... I heard that Kuryakyn's lights had a tendency to burn up quicker than others. That might have been a problem that has since been corrected. Have you had anything like that happen to you ? I'll be looking into lights sometime this year and having your turn sigs double up as brake lights is the way to go.
  12. ronrieger

    ronrieger New Member

    Apr 4, 2004
    Likes Received:
    No Problems


    I have not had any problems with mine. They have worked perfectly now for months. I heard others say before I ordered mine that if you leave your 4 way flashers on for extended periods of time the module may heat up. Then I heard others say that was not an issue. Honestly I have never tried leaving the flashers on to see what happens. You might check with Kuryakyn regarding anything you may be concerned with.

    As I said in my previous post, for the price and considering the added safety of more lights in the rear I don't see how anyone can go wrong by installing the module.

  13. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    The panecea will do that and give you the LED look, they are very bright.

    I believe there are several controllers that do this you can get them from DP's

    Manuf. by Signal Dynamics the back off unit will flash things,

    Kuryakyn has a plug in controller that will do what you want without the LED Paneceas

    HD has a module as well that plugs into the harness.

    Check with the people here about the Kuryakyn unit. Don't forget to swap the lens on the turnsignals for red ones.

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