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Mikuni HS40 parts

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by broncomech, Jul 24, 2004.

  1. broncomech

    broncomech New Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    I bought a Mikuni HS40 several years ago and have moved to a diferent part of the country since then, now the engine is running too rich in low throttle positions (1/8-1/2)
    This carb was purchased at a Harley Dealership as a Screamin Eagle part, now that mikuni has released the HSR seres carbs my local dealer cant find parts for my "old" HS40.
    Can anyone recomend a source for parts and curent part numbers for this carb, specificaly the Jet Needle #s ? (# on mine 9DJY4-96)
    Any chance the jet parts are interchangeable with the newer HSR seres carbs? :confused:

    Any info will be appreciated.

  2. broncomech

    broncomech New Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    Ok here is the information I got direct from the carburator division At Mikuni USA.
    Most jets are interchangeable between RS 38 & 40 as well as the HSR 42, the excetpion being the needle jet and jet needle, which can be obtained from Studco Int. (323) 728 5407 for a reasonable price.

    Hopefuly this information will be useful to someone else.

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