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N65C Needle reintroduced by CVP

Discussion in 'CV Performance' started by kenfuzed, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    As many are aware the original N65C Sportster needle (27094-88) was made obsolete several years ago when the factory discontinued them. By popular demand CV Performance has reintroduced the N65C needle using our own machining process found no where else. The specs of the profile and taper match those of the original and is a direct replacement.

    The N65C needle was originally introduced by Keihin on the first Harley CV carburetor equipped on 1988 Sportsters. Because this first CV had no accelerator pump the needle was designed to be richer just off idle to eliminate hesitation and used a different taper profile than any other needle. Tuners soon discovered that the N65C needle was perfect for DIY tuning to achieve a richer midrange when installing free-flow exhausts and air cleaners.

    While the other CVP needles meet the needs of specific models without wasting fuel or requiring trial and error tuning, the new CVP N65 (N65C replacement) is ideal for those who want to custom tune. The needle may be used with shims or by itself and CVP does not have specific recommendations.
  2. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    This is good news because there was someone just this morning asking about a different needle.

    Jammer, this is the needle that I was talking about.

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