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NC New Helmet Law

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by 99 Softail Custom, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    FRXMAS Banned A-Hole

    Mar 8, 2006
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    Now You're Talking

    Hrk, You Read My Mind. No Helmet,no Brainer.shorts And Sandals Are Asking For Permanent Scars,but If They Aren't Wearing A Helmet It Probably Won't Matter. I Guess It Comes Down To Whether You Need A Brain In The First Place.my Viewpoint On "macho" Regardless Of Sex Is Based On What I See And Hear At Every Event I Attend.women That Choose A Biker's Lifestyle Seem To Automatically Lose Their Femininty And Develope A Less Ladylike Behavior, Therefore The Appearance Of "macho". The Inconsiderate "macho" Biker That Rolls The Dice By Drinking And Riding Because That Is His Mindset Only Hurts Everyone Else That Rides And Quite Often Pays For It With His Life And Sometimes The Lives Of Others. Being A Man Has A Great Deal More To With Responsibility Than With False Bravado. I Don't Intend To Judge Anyone. I Just Am Stating My Observations As To The Behavior Of Others In Regards To Riding A Motorcycle.
  3. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    I can see up to 18 wearing a Helmet but I do think as an adult we all should have the choice whether to wear a helmet or not. But like Oregon, my state we had a two term governor that was a doctor who refused to sign the bill before him that would have changed it to under 18.

    The only reason my friend who was severely injured last year in Wyoming stopped to put on her helmet was she started getting a wobble in the front. Course after she put on her helmet and just before getting to the next HD shop the whole front end of her Ultra came apart throwing her from the bike. Yep, she had, had her bike worked on at another HD shop in ID just before that.
  4. donny612

    donny612 New Member

    Dec 15, 2008
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    Apex, NC
    Like seatbelts I have no problem with the government passing laws that helmets be available to riders. The problem that I see is that of the government making me wear a helmet against my will. It should be MY choice as to my using a helmet and not having to do it because the government says I have to. I don't like helmets either but there are many times that I would choose to wear one. (Heavy traffic or the interstates) There are also other times when I would choose NOT to wear a helmet. (Quiet country roads etc.) It should be MY choice!!! I have gone down twice and both times I was NOT wearing a helmet. (California...pre-helmet law) I am more inclined to wear helmets now but it's just that I want the ability to occasionally take a cruise without the dang thing and not have to worry about the ticket or fine and not having to go to SC to ride...
  5. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    We've had a helmet law in Oregon for so long I feel naked without one. Two years ago in Sturgis went without one on a ride and got sun burned on top the old noggin, :eek: god that was sore for awhile had to revert to wearing a hat and my half helmet on the freeway. :D
  6. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    Along with long-forgotten fellas including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison & Thomas Paine, I have a major problem with Gov't. passing laws telling you, me, or any other citizen, to do anything. They had a "wierd" idea that Gov't. doesn't tell us what to do, we tell it what to do!! And long-forgotten documents like Constitutions were written to put "GOVCO" in a box. To regulate certain things which the citizens individually can't on their own - not to create a socialist "nanny state" to protect us! :fight:

    That said, and having ridden way too far & way too fast without a helmet, still here by the Grace of God, and knowing even the best helmet $$$ can buy won't save you from permanent disability or death, I wouldn't even consider riding without one. As the old saying goes, there are 2 kinds of riders - those who have dropped their bikes - and those who will. Hardest I whacked my old head was when one of the ramps slipped out from under my riding lawnmower as I was driving it up into the back of my 4x4 pickup years ago (pretty steep & I fixed the ramp problem). :banghead:

    However that's not the point -- I know the risks of riding a bike & I **** sure don't need any "suit" in some office who's never ridden a bike to tell me I have to do this or wear that --- most important of all - the authority over us those in Gov't. have we gave to them.
  7. hdhotrod

    hdhotrod New Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    East coast of Nebraska
    You just can't complain about the laws unless you are willing to do something about it. Every biker should be a member of a motorcycle rights organization like ABATE. I'm sure there are others but this is the biggie in Nebraska. Win or lose, I have the right to bitch. I've been a member for almost 25 years. I've written my senators and let them know my stance. "To those who consent, no injustice is done.

    Next will be the loud pipes, catalytic converters, then any mods to the bike. You'll be wearing reflective vests and air bags. Get Involved! It's your freedoms they are taking away.

    The best part is, it's also where I have met the best lifelong friends.

    Don't give up without a fight!!
  8. Howard

    Howard New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Wearing a helmet

    After seeing so many people being hurt. I will not leave without it.
  9. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    let those who ride decide...............
  10. donny612

    donny612 New Member

    Dec 15, 2008
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    Apex, NC
    It's my understanding that the new NC law is just intended to get rid of the "non DOT helmets." There's a ticket and a pretty healthy fine for using the so called "skid lid" or novelty type helmet.
    I'm a firm believer in helmets from a protection standpoint but what I don't believe in is the government mandating the use of them. There are lots of occasions when I would like to cruise without a helmet but risk a ticket and fine if I try it. The choice should be mine!!!
  11. Wideglide85

    Wideglide85 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2008
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    Hastings, Nebraska
    sounds like a waste of taxpayers dollars to me. where there's stupid rules there's a way around them. i wear a helmet when i have to. i also wear a helmet when i want to. i belong to ABATE of NE because i believe that those who ride should decide. we missed repealing our helmet law by 2 votes last year... what's next is a federal helmet law with all the bureaucratic nit picking that the feds are so good at. AAARGH!!!
  12. FlynDutchman

    FlynDutchman New Member

    Feb 7, 2007
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    I've already seen this at my work.....I'm required to put a reflective safety vest over my turnout gear which already has reflective stripes all over it when I go out on an accident scene, because some pencil pusher who sits in an office decided it had to be a certain color.....Stupid.....absolutely stupid
  13. dmassey

    dmassey Active Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    I've laid a bike (and me) down twice in 30 years of riding. First time my fault (stupid mistake) and the second time a guy came through and intersection. Fortunately I was watching him and managed to get down around 10 MPH before impact. I still 360'd over the handlebar and his car hood then managed (through Divine Intervention) to do a tumble roll-out about 20-30 feet down the road and I'm sure the helmet hit because it had some noticable scratches. If there would have been a set of Olympic judges watching, I would have probably gotten at least a 9.5 for the gymnastics. All that being said, I'd wear a helmet whether here in TN or in neighboring states that have no helmet law such as KY or towards the beach in SC.
  14. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    isn't the USA great you can choose to wear a helmet in a no helmet state, its our freedom, I my self have a few upendings mainly on dirt bikes and once without a doubt the lid saved my cranium, and a couple on an old yamerhamer, street bike, the coat saved my hide more than the lid but still gave it some scuffs, I ride mainly with the lid on long rides, but don't for short, no reason but lazyness, and choice.
  15. pappycool

    pappycool New Member

    Jun 10, 2008
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    Concord, North Carolina
    New NC Helmet Law

    Yea, you can fight the ticket because there is no governing agency that designs or tests the helmets for conformity. I wear a non DOT helmet and have for years. Been riding for 36 years and Luckily, have not had a situation where a helmet would have helped or not. One of my riding buddy's made a comment one time that kinda makes sense........The only difference in wearing a helmet or not is whether or they open or close the casket! Think about it!:wtf:
  16. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Like the man said- If it's your time to go no helmet is gonna save ya!
    In goverment tests and by the Snell inst. helmets were proved to by inaffactive over 16 mph, The weight of the helmet was enough to snap the spinal column. For myself I bought a half lid DOT certifyed; I use it when on the interstates but don't when I'm just cruisin around town. My passengers all wear a helmet or they don't ride with me.
  17. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    I told a story last year on here at Bike Talk about a lady rider I know who's bike front end came apart after a HD dealer worked on it. The accident happened in Wyoming on I-90. She is a Oregon Clackamas county sheriff's deputy working the K-9 unit. She and the others were riding to Sturgis year before last and she had just stopped and put her helmet back on when they entered the freeway. They were riding at 75 MPH when the bike came apart and through her off and her body did cart wheels down the freeway. Her helmet took the impact every time she came around and hit her head, no one knows how many times she went over and over. She broke virtually every bone in her body and grinding down nose and ears. She spent over six months in the intensive care unit hanging onto life at times by a thread. She finally after many grueling hours of rehabilitation and hard work has returned to her old job in the squad car with a new dog. She has lots of scars but is in very good spirits. She brought in her damaged half helmet to our HOG chapter meeting one time for all of us to see. All of her doctors have stated the helmet did save her life as had she cartwheeled down the freeway as she did hitting her head without a helmet on, that her head would have been destroyed and she would have died at the scene. Her helmet was shredded to pieces but still in one piece. She has now purchased another DOT approved half helmet exactly the same brand as the other one. She is riding again and has bought herself a new Crossbones. Hillery is living proof that a helmet can save a life and I'm glad to see her still around.
  18. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    did she get to go back to work????? i have been wondering about her........
  19. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Yep, she is back to work. She said to me a while back that those things that seemed so important before well they are not really all that important now but living is. She really looks pretty good for all that she went through. Lots of scars though but she vigorously works out every day on her bow tech gym. Don't see her at the dealer much any longer due to the law suit that I'm sure is still on going. They did the initial work on her front end of her bike.

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