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New Rider What Bike

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by JONPAUL, May 28, 2008.

  1. freerider8

    freerider8 New Member

    May 31, 2004
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    If this is going to be your first street bike then I would suggest that you go out and test ride a few and see what you like the best. dont just go on a short ride either try and stay on the bike for atleast a half an hour to get a real feel for it. plus a rider safety course is a great idea too, I took one in PA. and it was free plus you get valuable information to help you ride safely. It often isnt the rider's fault when an accident happens, people in cars often arent watching for us riders and we pay the price so being aware of your surroundings is vital. Anyway I rode a few bikes and I bought a 02 yamaha warrior and I love it, it has lots of power and she really hugs the road. It has a wide stance which I liked and lots of chrome, I like the Harleys and someday I want to own one. I believe the most important thing to remember is that most people dont care what you ride as long as you ride and have respect for those who do. there are many bike out there that can fit your need and price range but only you can decide what you like the best, dont let any one person's opinion help you decide what to buy because you have to be the one riding it and paying for it so be sure it's what you want before you buy. Plus if you are considering a Harley most dealerships offer rentals so that you can really decide which one you like and it will give you a real feel for the bike after spending some time on it then you will know if you really want a sportster. The market has lots to offer so choose carefully.

    Let us know what you get
  2. freerider8

    freerider8 New Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Dude your bike is badass!!!! If no one likes it I'd also say screw them, Hell I'd love to take a ride on that HOG.
    You made it your own and that's all that matters.
    Nice work!:cool:

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