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Oil cooler

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by RoadKingBlack2010, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Buena Vista, CO
    Yes, very good info! Thanks Hotroadking. I should have called Mobil 1 and asked about this a long time ago, but thought they would just tell me to use the VTwin oil cuz it's a lot more expensive. $12+ /qt (a.k.a. "more profit") in the fancy bottle.

    Read a report put out by Amzoil a while back, that tested and compared their oil to several others. In that test, Mobile 1 was rated as good or close to Amzoil in most categories, but it didn't specify if it was VTwin or reg. 20/50. Naturally, Amzoil was rated the best in their test.
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    honestly don't think you can go wrong in CO with 15W-50, it's 99% the same stuff.

    Change it often, per the manual at the proper intervals and because it gets colder there you might find cold starts easier with the 15W....
  3. fxdxriderleo

    fxdxriderleo Active Member

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Earlville, NY
    I Had the moco oil in mine when I got it, They did the 1000 mile sevrice and put in the moco oil. I have a laser thermometer I checked the cylinder temps. I don't recall the exact numbers, At the next oil change I went to the Amsoil 20w50 oil, The cylinder temp dropped about 20 degrees.
    I tried the mobil 1 20w50 Vtwin, same temps as moco oil. Engine sounded different, raspy and dry.
    Tried some other synth oils all where about the same or slightly better than the moco oil. I went back to the Amsoil, bike runs beter and cooler. Helps the fuel milage too.
    I feel safer using the reccomended 5000 mile oil changes. The moco or other dino oils I won't go over 3000 miles.
  4. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    I noticed that same sound you're talking about when I rode a new Road Glide last weekend. Since it was a factory demo, I mentioned it to the H-D rep that was maintaining them for the event, and he said it sounded normal to him. My bike has 42,000 miles on it, and it sounded much quieter--no mechanical noise coming from lifters, valve train, etc.

    I don't know if it's the oil I'm using, or if those demo bikes are just hammered harder by all the different riders and the engines are "looser".

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