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Only 67 miles per tank, what's up - wtf -

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by HellBoy, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i believe this is where your fuel is going.. hotrodding in the first few gears through town will eat up the gas, probably worse than on the open road. it sounds cool listening to the pipes rackin through the gears, sitting inbetween buildings and cars. ( the reverberation off the buildings is awsome i bet!!!:) )
    take it easy this week in town and see if your milage increases.......let us know!................:)
  2. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    I think you've got me there Chuck. Even when I think I'm chillin', I tend to find a way to haul ass through NYC traffic. I'll try to back off a bit ( not easy ;) but safer ) and see what happens with the MPG.
  3. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Well first off, I don't think there is ever such a thing as TOO much fuel in your tank. lol

    I know it sounds a little crazy but hers doesn't hit reserve when there is only one gallon left. It hits reserve at well over half a tank. She gets noticably more mileage out of reserve than she does from the run position for some strange reason.

    She brought it back to the dealer once under warranty and they couldn't find anything wrong and she had them look at it again after repairs from a minor accident and they could never explain why this happens. I never took hers apart but I am aware of how they are SUPPOSED to work. It's almost like hers is backwards or something. Believe me, I had written the problem off to my stupid sister just complaining to complain (which often is the case BTW) until I saw it happen first hand. I even checked to see if she had the petcock pointing in the right direction and to my surprise she did. Since it doesn't really effect much I just kind of forgot about it until this thread. Now I'm thinking it may be more than just one isolated incident.

    As far as the non corn gas goes, I can't find any here anymore. Everywhere I go says "May contain 10% crap". Maybe I can start running on diesel or frialator oil from Micky Dees.:D
  4. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    You're right - I stand corrected.

    And as the various posts have shown, there's more than one cause for poor mileage & it can be a combination of things. Also, I hadn't thought about the variances in how (where) the petcock is mounted & needing to go to reserve sooner on one bike than another, not because it's using more fuel, but because it can't pick up what's there without switching. I know on mine having to switch to reserve means I've got about 15 miles to find a station.

    Stations are supposed to put a label on the pumps if they've got 10% or more ethanol in the gas, but I don't think they all do it. I never see ethanol mixed fuels in my area, but I know there are some parts of the country where nearly all the gas has some mixed in & many a lot more than 10%. H-D's don't like it that's for sure & it takes a lot more ethanol to make the same amount of power - even if your engine is designed to use it.

    Well, at least you know all the things to look for, Hellboy & none of 'em are particularly difficult to check.
  5. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    One more thing

    One more thing I don't think has been mentioned & just happened to be reminded of from a post on the Sporster List - intake manifold seals. Fella said he was getting about 65-70 miles to the tank & I believe he's got a the older 2.25-gallon "Peanut" tank on his bike. Couldn't get to the screws that hold the intake manifold to the heads (kitchen garbage disposal Allen wrench works) so he decided to just clean up the seal where the carb goes onto the intake manifold. Bingo - 114 miles on the next tank of gas, just doing that one seal.

    - Art
  6. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    Art, thanks again for your helpful insights. I'll take note of what you said about the seals and look into it. It will take a little time for me to work through all these options. First, I've got to see how far the current tank gets me and that may take a day or two.I was planning on testing out my new windshield today, but have to go to the dentist, so it'll have to wait.
  7. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    I ran out of gas once before the Stage 1 kit and before I even knew how to zero the odometer. I'm fairly certain that it hasn't changed. I'm over 68 miles on this tank and will see how much more I get. It's possible that sitting in NYC traffic and at traffic lights might be adding to the problem.
  8. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    idleing should not decrease mpg...........rappin the pipes while idleing will.......but the sound is cool...................:)
  9. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    I was thinking that all the stopping, gear shifting, stopping, starting, stopping again, might have something to do with it. Also, I go into neutral at stoplights 90% of the time.
  10. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    yep your riding habits have a lot todo with your MPG , I taked to A young lady last saterday & she has the 05 sporty 883 rode it to Sturges last summer & planning A trip to AZ to see the Grand canyon this summer , she has the same tank as you said she get around 200 miles to a tank , Now her bike is all stock , But she ride with & try's to stay up with the bigger bikes , so she run'es it kinda hard

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    Just Saw In Another Thread About Some Ones Carb Overflowing, Have You Looked To See If Maybe The Float Is Stuck, And Maybe It Is Continually Overflowing And Just Leaking To The Ground.
  12. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    Was going through the HD Service Manual (aka Harley Bible) last night. Found these lists for poor fuel economy.

    Excessive use of enricher system=Limit system use (yeah that's me LOL)
    Enricher valve not seated or leaking=adjust, clean or replace.
    Dirty air cleaner element=clean or replace as required.
    Restricted fuel tank vent system=correct restricted hose,replace vapor valve.
    High speed riding style=modify riding habits (STFD LOL)
    Idle speed improperly adjusted=adjust opering idle speed.
    Loose Jets-tighten jets (that's kinda a duh fix isn't it)
    Fuel level too high=Adjust float level.
    Plugged or restricted bowl vent=Clean and clear passages.
    Vacuum piston assembly malfunction=see vacuum piston troubleshooting.
    Plugged air jets or passages=clean and clear passages.
    Excessive accelerator pump output=check and clean accelerator pump bypass orifice.

    If it gets down to that silly piston thing let me know and I will type up those tables too. Good luck man.
  13. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    Wvac, I'm probably guilty on at least two counts, excessive enhancer use (I'm being more careful about that) and possibly "high speed riding style", but I'm not so sure about that one. Last night I rode a little with a friend who has a Triumph Thruxton and that little sucker's a real pocket rocket. I just had the Stage 1 adjustments, so the air filter is fine. There's a HOG event at the NYC Harley dealership soon, and I'll ask about the idle being high then, It's seemed high to me since the Stage One work was done. (It did solve my hesitation problem though.)

    Sportsterboy, thanks for the suggestions. In my garage where I park, there's what looks like a water leak.. I'll take a much closer look to be sure that it's not my bike, now that you've mentioned it.

    I'm at 68 miles now and will see how much further I get on this tank very soon I suspect!
  14. Ultra Al

    Ultra Al New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    West Texas
    Tell ya what, even when I hot rod mine, ride into a head wind etc: it may decrease my mileage somewhat but nothing like 40 miles per tank. But then except for my EFI I run S&S carbs. Al
  15. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    Well, good news, I've managed to back off the enhancer a bit, (it helps that it's not 30 degrees out ;) I've also been riding a little smoother, just a bit less of a rocket ship and my tank pooped out today at 90 miles since my last refill. I put the reserve on, ran 3 + miles and then filled up. The pump clicked off at 2 gallons and I purposely filled it to the brim at 2.8 gallons. The tank is 3.3 I believe, so that must leave .5 gallon in reserve, or something close to that. So, should get another say... 10- 15 miles before running dry?
  16. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    that sounds a lot better.........amazing how driving habits affect mpg!.......:)
  17. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    In neutral at a stoplight

    As others have very well pointed out, riding style makes a BIG difference in fuel mileage & stop-go city riding will sure use more fuel than steady-speed highway riding.

    The go into neutral thing @ a stop is not a good idea though:

    Recent discussion on the Sportster List about getting hit from behind - if you're in neutral @ a stoplight & somebody comes up too fast, you can't get out of the way. A car coming up behind you @ 30 mph is covering 44 feet per second - 1/2 second to pull the clutch in, 1/2 second to click into gear, 1/2 second to twist the throttle & let the clutch out .....

    You may not see them coming in time to move very far & cross traffic may keep you from going straight ahead, but if you have the bike in 1st gear ready to move you can move quick, even if it's just over to the side a few feet & have to drop the bike.

    The discussion 1st started with the mention of a wreck that killed 2 riders on a Glide @ a stoplight. One car already stopped behind them, but another car slammed into that one & the impact knocked the stopped car into the bike & that killed both riders.

    Could you always see that coming? Of course not. But being able to move a second quicker might save your life someday.

    - Art
  18. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    Thanks Art, I'll try to find a way to incorporate that into my stops more frequently, perhaps keeping it in neutral when I'm in a relatively safe position. Unfortunately I go into neutral to rest my left hand. I've use my hands all day at work every day for more than twenty years now, essentially gripping in a similar way to riding, so it can get really painful if I'm not careful with them.
  19. fujimo

    fujimo New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    that nuetral at a stop lite is,,,would i rather get hit sitting still,,,,or would i rather pull ahead and get hit from the side,,,, not much choice either way,,,, but if you live thru the side hit,,,, you can rest ashured you will get a ticket for pulling out,,,, rearended,,,at least you are not at fault ,,,but the pain is the same,,,, if you live ,,,you may be able to sue someone ,,,or THEY may have to pay your doctor bills,,,, pops
  20. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    I'm trying to mix it up a bit more now. I'll stay in first when I think it won't be too long until the light changes and rest in neutral when it looks very safe, and go to first gear a bit sooner while waiting.

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