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Pizza Omelet

Discussion in 'Roadkill Cafe - From Kill to Grill' started by psxxx, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. psxxx

    psxxx New Member

    Sep 28, 2012
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    Okay, breakfast nachos was created by accident....this wasn't :D

    Question: What is your favorite pizza. Once you have answered that question, take that stuff and add this to complete the ingredients.

    Tomato Paste

    At this point, make an omelet and stuff it with your favorite pizza toppings.

    Make sure you use tomato paste and mozzarella cheese along with your favorite pizza toppings.

    I haven't made one of these with pizza toppings that was bad. That includes; Beef & Onion, Sausage Mushroom, and Pepperoni Mushroom will rock your socks!

    Check it out sometime and let me know if you enjoy as much my family does.

    psxxx Extreme Rider

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