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Question about Harley Springers

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Springer, Mar 25, 2004.

  1. Springer

    Springer New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    I have been "lurking" on this board for quite a while but never posted. Proud to be the 2nd poster in the new forum. I have a question for anyone that might know. From my handle you may figure out that I ride a Springer, a Heritage Springer at that. I bought one of the new ones in 2003, a real beauty. I got the two tone and it is a great bike. Does anyone know why on earth Harley has discontinued this model? It has always been my favorite and everyone that sees it says it has always been one of theirs. What's the deal?
  2. CD

    CD Guest


    Welcome aboard!
    The FLSTS never took off like the MoCo wanted or needed. Since sales were slow, the aftermarket never really embraced it and it has enough differences to warrant a different part then another Softail would. For example it is difficult to manufacture exhaust to fit due to the bag mounts so, few exhausts are available leabing slip on mufflers or true duals and some other small exhaust.

    It is just one of those models that never really caught on.

  3. Springer

    Springer New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    CD. Thanks for your reply. I know about trying to change the exhaust. I am looking for a particular sound but I don't have many options. I don't want to sacrifice performance with straight pipes so I am not sure I have many options. When I purchased the bike, I put the Samson Slip-ons on and until I discover any other options, they just may be it. I love the bike and have been offer a good bit more than I paid for it as it seems to be a "collector's item" now. I look forward to any advice you may have. I am a relatively new rider and I have gotten a little obsessed with it. As a matter of fact I am leaving work right now to start her up and take a spin. I'll check in with you again tomorrow. Thanks again.
  4. Skydoc

    Skydoc New Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Clarksville, TN
    I also have a 2002 FLSTSI and I love this scooter! Yes it is difficult to find after market parts etc. I have the V&H straight shots and they are great. I love the sound. I also put a stage one kit on it then had the EFI re-mapped. Runs great. No problems. I put about 10-12,000 miles a year on the bike. To me, it just represents classic HD right down to the "gangstawall" tires. I used to have a 1947 Knucklehead and it reminds me a lot of that bike, except it rides a lot smoother! Enjoy your scooter. There is a lot you can do to it. I'm getting ready to order some Mustang seats and a Lindby bar for it in a couple of weeks after I get home from over here in Operation Iraqi Freedom. My Ol' lady and I already have several trips planned. We are going to the ROT Rally in Austin the first week of June. I need some good riding and some R&R after this trip. Take care.

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