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Red's Mid-America Meander Meets

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by Red Rider, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Get some sleep....:cool:
  2. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Well, it took me 12 hours and 750 miles (about 60 more than the planned route), but I did get to Grand Junction CO. Friggin' road work cost me just over an hour of standing in the sun time, too. Oh well, guess it is just part of the adventure. No other issues this ride. No psychotic drivers, curious pronghorns or suicidal deer.

    Staying at the West Gate Inn here in GJ. Cost is not great ($59 plus taxes makes $69), but the beds are good and the rooms are nice. No fridge or microwave. I've payed more and got less more than the other way around.

    Will be meeting up with Alex the Dog in Salida Co at around 1 pm today. Hope we can dodge the lightning for our run into Canon City.
  3. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    Red made it to Salida just fine today. We had some lunch and margueritas over old war stories before we headed out for Bighorn Canyon. It started raining soon after we got going, and unfortunately, screwed up what should have been a great ride through a beautiful sheer-rock canyon.

    We got to Canon City and Red wanted to stop at a bike shop to check out a noise that he was hearing. They didn't find anything wrong, but Red was so tired, he thought it was best to stay in town there for the night.

    We hadn't taken any photos during the ride because of rain, but we found a place where I could get his mug recorded on camera. Had a good time talking with Red and wished there was more time, but he needed some sack time.

    He should make it to Pueblo in plenty of time to meet up with HarleysLR Sat. morn. Thanks Red, for the mementos, and hope the highway is all smooth sailing for ya.

    Attached Files:

  4. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Yep, a great meet. Didn't know we would drag up so many memories from our service days - wasn't the plan. The nightmares await. But there they are and they are. As the song says - "You know it don't come easy" ........... and i hope you get that, "Alex".

    So many suffered so others would live free.................I wish all could see, andrespect, that. But maybe wishes are onl\y for fools......call me fool, for I do wish...........

    Good night!!!!!!!!!!
  5. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    Alex thanks for the up date good pics there Red I think we all wish like that the night mares still come & go like a slow wind , But to me well worth it cause we are still free
  6. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Red, it looks like you ditched the pony tail?? Cool!! I am glad that you are having a good time and that all is safe thus far. Have a good nights sleep and have fun riding with Harleyslr. We are all awaiting details and pictures.:)
  7. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Red, just want to confirm that you have my number? Please Pm me yours so I can save you to my contacts so I know who it is calling.:D
  8. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Wow, I wrote something last night? After Alex the Dog rolled off I met a bunch of good ol' Americans in the parking lot while unloading Red. Even though I couldn't have been too lucid (SO tired then), I couldn't help but enjoy the conversations - an elderly couple from Wisconsin asked about my journey and described theirs; a retired USAF pilot talked Growlers and oil fields; a Camaro convertible couple told their (sad) story of switching from Harleys to hot rods. The rain we hit riding down from Salida must have washed the stink off me, because I spent almost two hours in the parking lot talking with complete strangers!

    OK, I'm meeting HarleysLR in Pueblo at 1000 and I've even had a good night's sleep...though a little more sleep might have been better. I'm unsure as to whether I'll have internet for the next few days, but I'll post when I can.

    Now, I need coffee....
  9. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    Just returned from breakfast with Red Rider in Pueblo, He is now on his way to Eads, CO to a wedding at 5:00 pm today.

    Attached Files:

  10. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Long Island, NY
    Great Trip!!! Thanks for the up-dates. I almost feel as if I were there too. I wish I could be part of your odessey. :cheers:
  11. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    Some more good pics & nice looking weather , but who's the old man you got to stand with Red :) good thing reds not s wanted man with all these pics lmao
  12. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Colorado Springs, CO
    ;) :roflmao::roflmao:
  13. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    The meet with HarleysLR was probably more sedate than we'd planned, as I was still exhausted. Still, we enjoyed a good breakfast and conversation before I had to head East to Eads.

    The ride to Eads was very pleasant, as the temps were perfect for me and the speed varied enough to stay interesting. A fox ran openly in the midday sun along the road, and too late I remembered my camera. The pronghorns I did photo, but I'll have to build the gallery when I get back to NV as I left the interface behind:banghead: I stopped in the small town of Ordway and ran smack-dab into a town fair. So I got Red a spot in the shade and walked amongst the good folk gathered in the park. A women selling turqouise jewelry saw my "US Navy Retired" ballcap and insisted on giving me a necklace. All around us kids played, BBQ's cooked, a band played (good, too - nailed Marshall Tucker Band tunes!), pretty women posed - yep, a good place to spend a bit and get the head clear.

    After finding the one open place in town, I was back on the road. Yep, I made it to the church on time (three minutes to spare) and enjoyed the company of old and new friends. Moved the party to an American Legion hall and closed up a little after 10. Finally got a great night's sleep and am s'posed to ride somewhere (no destination needed) with my Navy buddy in a couple hours.

    I've spent the night at the Traverlers' Inn in Eads, as, though invited, I did not want to impose on my bud when they were in the midst of the wedding prepartions - and it was a good decision, because it was a madhouse when I stopped by there to tell him I'd decline that night's stay. This Inn looks like a dump from the outside, but isn't bad at all - and even has WiFi. I paid $40, but the standard is s'posed to be $65 - but I doubt they get the standard often.
    JB, if you see a 775 area code calling, I'd bet it is me. I'll call Wednesday, if not before.

  14. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Riding vs. Travelling

    After hitting Eads, I've been able to take a break from point-to-point travelling and do some good ol' fashion riding. The difference is big, as when I ride I don't have to worry about having all I need and the extra 100lbs it weighs on the bike. And since I've been riding with my bud, I don't have to be anyway but near his bike on the road. The only easier riding is when I have no place to go and no one to ride with!

    We spent the last two days riding numbered roads throughout Eastern Colorado. Most notable was today, where we road down some miles of challenging dirt road to the Sand Creek Massacre historic site. We had a good chat with Eunice, the USFS Ranger that met us at the office. She assured us that the wagon trail down to the main site was firmer road than what we'd just passed over the last 8 or so miles, and also quietly conveyed her personal reverence for the sanctity of the site. We made our way down the trail to the parking area, and she was right, it was not nearly as tense. The site itself is impressive, but the inability to actually walk the area deprives one of a better perspective. I wanted to examine, for myself, how the ground impacted the tactics used, but I witheld the impulse to blow off the rules and settled for just quietly being there.

    The last two days in this area have both broken the 100 degree barrier. Not a problem, as I always have a handy water bottle and stay hydrated easily. Did get a bit browner (maybe red) on my head than usual, as this is helmet-optional country. I'm torn on the helmet thing, as it does give me shade that I can't otherwise get, and it would help if something bad happens. And really, it would keep grasshoppers from fragging my forehead so badly, too. But it is cool to not have to wear it.:cool:

    There are two bars in this town (one for sale) - they both open in another 45 minutes or so (nothing is exact in small town America). Time to get ready to be served a cold one or two or three......

  15. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    Sounds like your having a good ride just put a dew rag on till you have to put the hard hat back on :)
  16. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Saw pronghorns...but not ALL the pronghorns. Red = 1, Pronghorn = 0. No damage but yucky tires. More later when I find a place to settle in for the night.
    P.S. Done for tonight here in Shelby IA. On to MN tomorrow.........
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  17. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    Red, did you smack a pronghorn??? Are you OK, and is the bike safe to ride (ie: bent parts, broken windshield, etc)?

    That's one of the reasons I wear a helmet out on the road even if State doesn't require it. I know it's hot, but helps keep your noggin intact. Stay safe brother.
  18. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Today I talked to Red over the phone. He is in MN and we are ready to hook up at noon tomorrow. Hot Rider and I have the scooters cleaned up and ready to ride. All we have to do is fit the duffel on the back of Hot riders bike and drop the kiddies off in the morning and we are ready to rock...:cool:
  19. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV

    After covering a good bit of land yesterday, Ol' Red seemed to be making some new noises......hmmmmmm. So I managed to get her in to Wild Prairie HD, at JB's suggestion, and though they could not fit her in for an exam they heard enough in the parking lot to figure they should help this travelling rider out. The folks there loaded me and Red onto their truck and brought us to an indy shop (Hamel Power) - free, wouldn't even take the cash I offered - and the guys at Hamel (uh, it is in Hamel, MN) pushed their other work aside to see what they could do. The good news is that we didn't find metal in oil anywhere (primary, main or filter). The bad news is they think it is the crankshaft bearing going bye-bye. They laid the options on me - they could do the work and hopefully get me on the road out of Hamel by Monday, or I could risk the 6 hour ride to Milwaukee/Racine and have it done there by folks they trust - which would also give me a place to stay free (and visit the friend I'd headed this way to begin with).

    I chose plan B. So tomorrow I'll meet up with JB (and HR?) at Wild Prairie (if the bike makes it that far) and I'll make the crawl to southeastern Wisconsin, rather than being able to enjoy a couple days riding with JB & HR. We'll work out whether they want to ride some ways with me or not...it may be doable (and reassuring) but that is for tomorrow. All I know now is this is just another bump - ya can't have an adventure without some kind of peril.

    If I can get it to the shop without causing more damage, it will be about 1200 bucks. If I trash it, well, might be looking at $4500...of course, that also would be replacing my 88 with a 95 or better (gotta find some gold in the pile of manure).:roflmao: 'Course, I have to live through the engine seizing up - might be a good day for the helmet, ya think?

    Gotta roll with the punches....wish me luck. It'll be the longest run of high tension I've had since my service days, but, really, no one is TRYING to kill me, so it really ain't that much. Guess that pronghorn is taking it out on my karma.

    Might as well have another beer.....ain't leaving for about 14 hours.

    P.S. Thanks, HarleysLR. That notepad ain't golden, but it did have some things in it that I'd rather have than lose.

  20. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I am ready to roll no matter what we decide. I just want to ride. :D I took Hr's bike out to make sure that the duffel is secure and sure enough, we got it. We packed one nights cloths along pending our decision of what to do.

    Hey Red, I think that I am going to bring the brain bucket along and wear it. better safe than sorry. Talk to you tomorrow at WPHD. :cool:

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