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Red's Mid-America Meander Meets

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by Red Rider, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    When you're gong through Hell, keep on going.....

    Less than 2 hours now until closing. The wrenchs (3, this place is doing all they can to get me on the road) are feverishly working. Gasp - they found a screw in my front tire....but pulled it and no leak (yet). Did I get some good(ish) luck? Still, they won't promise to get the bike to me tonight (because they won't and don't make promises they don't know they can keep-gotta respect that). I also added to the workload by asking them to check the neck bearing...just to make sure after hitting that antelope.

    Hal's H-D is great. I came here at lunchtime, not wanting to book another motel night if I don't need it here. After checking the status on Ol' Red, I asked where I might find an ATM and chow within walking distance. They wouldn't have that, and the salesman (Erik Bacon) said he had a better idea. He went to chat with some guy, (turned out to be Hal) and I thought they were gonna give me a ride to someplace. Nope, they tossed me the keys to a Superglide and said "have a good lunch".:cool: OK, I did have to sign a waiver and get my license photocopied, but that took less than a minute. Off to the bank and then into Chumley's Pub in New Berlin - nice atmosphere (Chumley was working the bar) and a fine burger special for $4. I wish I could have had more than a single Guiness, but moderation was necessary.

    One hour and 28 minutes left...:witsend:...the tension is mounting. The next post will be either glorious or painful. Such is life - at least I'm not bored on a couch.

  2. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Likes Received:
    The way that you are talking about these guys almost makes me want to buy my next bike from them. :D I hope that they get you back on the rode soon. So do they have the heart of Red back together?
  3. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    Sounds like you found a real good dealer & that's a good thing if this has to happen & ad HRK said go with gods speed :)
  4. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I just spoke to Red over the phone not that long ago. He had said that he has his freedom back and definitely has more power. He went with the Andrews 36 cam and with the 95" kit. the cost was expensive but by the way it sounds Hals HD in New Berlin treated him VERY WELL! He had the front tire replaced and also the neck bearing. When I spoke to him he had said that he was doing the break in routine by varying the RPM's. It sounds like we are going to hook up for some dinner tomorrow and of course some brew's and it will most likely call it night here in Hutchinson MN. :cheers:
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    good to hear johnny...........thanks for the update........more pics please....
  6. big_jake57

    big_jake57 Active Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    Wish I could have caught up with you guys. Not that far away, but time is expensive around here lately.
    Red.... Too little too late,, but I love my 95" engine. Hope the rest of your trip is all good events !!
  7. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    Yep thay
    nks for the up dates On red & his rider :D good to here he's up & running :cool:
  8. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Sorry Chucktx, since we were in a mad dash to get to New Berlin, the ones posted were the only ones taken. Next time I hope to get more pictures. It is What it is right? Hopefully tonight we will be able to get another group picture.
  9. Hot Rider

    Hot Rider Active Member

    Oct 1, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Re: When you're gong through Hell, keep on going.....

    That is sweet that they tossed you the keys to a Superglide! :)
  10. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Folks, ya gots to know HR and JB are a good bit younger than this gnarly buck you're hearing from right now. It is midnight (and I am not famous yet, Parrotheads) and we just got done with a good meet - but since this is a second run-in with them, I think they are tryin' to kill me!:roflmao:

    Seriously, if you get a chance to link up with these whippersnappers, do so. And their children - the kids are sharper than all the adults put together!

    Yes, I am back on the bike and riding. In MN today and hopefully through most of SD tomorrow. Have to do the math, but hope to link up with Abby in Sturgis Friday - depending on schedules.

    I'mbeat, so have to leave the details of all that occurred for another session. Until then - Ride Free!
  11. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    I have a 95 ci and love it also.
  12. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yup, they sound like stand up folks..............stay safe. tell abby hey for me.....
  13. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Hey, Dorothy, can I borrow your shoes?

    So after too little sleep, but a great time out with JB and HR, I hit the road this morning and made my way out of MN and into SD. Weather was fine and the new engine was eating miles like buttered popcorn. But the further west I rode, it was clear that the weather wasn't gonna be (clear) much longer. I made it to wherever I am (Murdo or something like that) and a gigantic thunderstorm blocked my path. So, today my ride ends here. Frankly, I was getting dangerously tired anyway, but as I found refuge at the Landmark Inn the storm hit. Hail and wind pounded the place, and leaves and needles were ripped from the trees. I stashed Ol' Red under a tree and took cover, hoping the tree would slow the hail before it beat the bike down. Thankfully, it worked - she's been through enough already. A Tornado Watch was already in effect, so I muted the TV and listened for any "freight trains" that might be coming toward me off the tracks. Kept my helmet handy, too, as it was a scary storm. Finally, after a pounding and a drenching, it abated. Time for a cigar and a few shots of rum. Life is good again.

    Thanks to Chucktx, I found a USB to SD card adapter, but none of that is handy at the moment (can't get WiFi in my room) and I'll soon wuss out and hit the rack (go to bed, in non-Navy parlance). I know I've left a ton out, information-wise, from what has gone on the last few days - maybe JB can write some, if he has woke up yet!:roflmao: Or HR, but she's probably fighting off sleep if not already out - last night was another epic event. So much to write, and so little energy left.

    Tried to get word to HOT01 to link in Sturgis (about 150 miles away right now) but no success yet. She's the last rendevous of this Bike Talk meet & greet run, unless someone in Sturgis (tomorrow noonish) or Montana or Idaho wants to give it a shot. I expect to be back home in Nevada after about two more road nights, unless I get a real night's rest and iron butt it again. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'll try to remember to check this page in the morning, while I suck some coffee and get stoked for the next adventures.

    So on to Sturgis for an oil change and a brief look, then back to the solo road trip. Life on the road is good, but home and family are really calling to me now.

    Be :cool: and :cheers:
  14. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    :gah: My cell service just plain sucked in MT and SD. I left this morning. I got hit in the lip by a bee of some kind while going about 60 MPH and it really messed me up. Half of my face looked like a pumpkin by this morning. The doc wanted me to take Benadryl, and there's just no good place to do that at Sturgis without a hotel room. I blasted home in record time, only to find the yard torn up and no water.:banghead:

    I'm going to the library every day until this book is done. If you want to go home via CO, let's meet up.
  15. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Sorry for your mishap and sorry we'll not meet this time. Would have been great to link up again - this time I'll be changing my oil - but I'm starting to get the Head-Home Fever. I'll still swing up into Montana, but I'll be running more of a recon mission for a later trip, instead of hitting the sideroads and really visiting,

    Take care and good luck!
  16. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Bagger down

    Maybe he was too tired - been there. Maybe he just was going too fast. Done that, too. But the shiny red full dressed bagger going North on HWY 85 in front of me didn't see the F-150 was going to turn - he wasn't just slow - and so he thought he could pass on the left. Too late, he locked it up and still slammed into the tailgate of the truck. No, I didn't see a turn signal from the truck, but on a bike ya got to think better than the cagers do.

    I don't know if that rider is gonna make it. Seen too many wrecks in my time, and that was not a good one. I think he was pronounced on the scene, and the lights & sirens (10-18 code in my days in Florida) were more for show than for real.

    For my part, I'd rather die than spend more time in a hospital bed. Done to much of that.

    Tonight I'm in Dillon, Montana. A little bit more than 700 miles from home. But I only did 503 miles today - being old sucks. My torn shoulder aches (old wound that just won't heal) and my, oh, nevermind...too much whining.

    Everyone wants pictures, and I have taken them and will post them when I've enough energy to deal with the re-sizing BS. But the pictures are just that - if you ride the country, you know pictures aren't friggin' close to what there really is to see. So my desire to post 'em aint all that great...I'll get over it, but not tonight.

    I'm over 4300 miles into this ride. The real question for you reading this is "Is it worth it? Is a long ride a real adventure?" Yep, every dang mile. Maybe it takes an Abby/Hot01 to bring it to life for those that are more skeptical. I know she'll reset my riding fire when I read her book. But her story will be her's, and mine mine, and your's, your's. So get on your steel horses and ride.

    Only about seven hundred miles from home...just want to make it there tomorrow. But if prudence demands otherwise, I hope I'm wise enough to listen.
  17. parker

    parker New Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Re: Bagger down

    I'v been keeping up with your post,great adventure.keep on keeping on.you've got it in the bag know.(thats hillbilly for your home) stay focused.
  18. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    Thanks for sharing your adventures with us, Red. Great stories and I didn't miss the pictures, either! I still remember the cross-country rides I took back in the day and I can say, like you, that it's worth it every mile of the way!
  19. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    Yes, thank you Red Rider! I can easily say that going on a long road trip is the highlight of my life, and can tell you're enjoying it even with the bike trouble. You definitely have the right attitude, and should consider doing more of this.

    Ya know, everyone sees things and describes them differently. But I feel that each story told from other's perspectives is still interesting and informative. You will need a few days back home to gather your thoughts on all the people and places you experienced in order to write about them.

    It was a real pleasure meeting and riding with you (wish the weather had cooperated), and look forward to seeing the pics of your cool adventure.

    From one road warrior to another, thanks for your enthusiasm and words from the road.

    P.S. For anyone interested in seeing a good movie about one rider's trip across Canada, check out "One Week", as in; what would you do if you had one week to live.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2011
  20. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Re: Bagger down

    hey, very good postings so far....lovin the trip. on the pics, check the camera. usually there is a setting to size the pics in the camera. i have mine set to "e-mail" or 600x800......when i down load to puter they are ready to go..........just a thought.

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