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Relay Wiring Diagram

Discussion in 'Tech Tips' started by chucktx, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    Relay Wiring Diagram

    A relay is typically used to control a component that draws high amperage. The relay allows full power to the component without needing a switch that can carry the amps. The switch only controls the relay. The relay then provides a direct connection to the battery. It should be noted that either the power(86) or ground(85) in the relay control circuit can be switched. In the case of a horn, the horn button would be used to switch the ground lead(85) and power(86) would be provided directly from the fuse box.

    This is a typical wiring diagram for a standard relay installed for
    headlights, horn, fuel pump, electric fan, etc. If the relay has a
    5th terminal, it is not used.

    Attached Files:

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