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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by hd_fatboy1, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. VYBR8R

    VYBR8R New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Tracy, CA
    I know how most of feel about buying something from the Motor Company, but the Race Tuner is a very good product and there is a web site WWW.HDMAPS.COM that has a good variety of maps to download to meet most of your needs. If there isn't a map that matches your need you can call and get a map made for your application. We have the technology and someone willing to provide maps for a very reasonable cost so you can do your remapping at home. Can't get much easier than that.
  2. hd_fatboy1

    hd_fatboy1 New Member

    Oct 31, 2005
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    The V&H FuelPak is an easy hook up. You just seperate the large ECU plug and the FuelPak plugs in-line into these plugs. Have about 200 miles on the new pipes, air intake and fuelpak. I have not noticed anything out of kilter - YET! Gonna throw another question in here. Another friend of mine and myself have a debate going on the Ness Big Sucker. He says ALL bike filters get oiled! I say the Big Sucker doesn't. There was no oil with the unit and it does not mention anywhere in the directions about using air filter oil on it. Am I right, or wrong as usual :)
  3. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    If it has a K&N filter...which I believe they still do, it does get a light spray of filter oil. It is a light spray though. I found out from the wrench when I got my bike dyno tuned, that I was over oiling the K&N filter in my hypercharger. K&N has a complete filter care kits with a cleaning solution and oil spray in an aeorsol can.
  4. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Works pretty easy. I have 4 K&N's on my Royal Star and a huge one on my Dodge Dakota that I clean with the kit. Any you're right..don't over-saturate the filter with the red oil. It only needs to grab fine particles..not keep the air out.
  5. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    On my old K&N filters I would clean them off and then believe it or not I used a light coating of WD40 which worked quit well.
    My new screaming eagle air cleaner it say to not oil them.
  6. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN

    The new screaming eagle air filters (with blue rubber surrounds) are not K&N and I've heard numerous first hand accounts on the VTF and HTT about what junk they are. People with 3-5k miles on them pull them out to clean them up and see large holes where the filter media got sucked into the engine...so if you're keeping it, make sure to check it frequently.
  7. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Had one on my 03 Ultra and never had an issue with it. :confused:
  8. kamakazi

    kamakazi New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Check out the K&N p/n RK-3909 kit.
  9. softail96

    softail96 New Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    Power Commander

    Spend the money on a Power Commander that I am sure you can buy on this site. Download the different maps from the Power Commander website for your components,(aircleaner, pipes etc,) When ever you make a new change download a nother preprogrammed "map" at no charge or build you own. If you don't like the performance, simply load another map.

    Very easy, takes about an hr to an hr and a half, even for the non wrench type.

    I have installed one on each of my bikes. The great part is that as you continue to make modifications to your bike, you can simply change maps. It's a little more up front but worth it.
  10. Wingnut

    Wingnut New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    FuelPak with V&H Ovals

    I've got a new bagger and the dealer tells me that, for 2006 models, if you run anything other than Harley catalysts or street legal screamin eagle exhausts, you will flag an engine flag and possibly void the warranty for - say - the ECM.
    I've got a set of Vance and Hines ovals that I'm going to install on a 2006 FLHTCUI. I'm going to use the Vance and Hines "FUELPAK" that doesn't require any PC programming. You match the settings, that you find on the Vance and Hines website, to your exhaust configuration, and you punch in the 2-digit codes for each of 18 modes and you've basically tuned your ride to the same models that they have dyno-tested and mapped already - you also avoid tripping any engine flag. The FUELPAK plugs in between the harness and the existing ECM and piggybacks on the back of the ECM with a 'spider' bracket. Their tech people told me that, when you install the Stage I air cleaner, it's best to just not reprogram the ECM since it's redundant - the FUELPAK will accomplish the same thing.
  11. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Bull Pucky, yes you can. :) I know of a guy who just bought a set of Rinehart pipes from Direct Parts and had the Harley shop put them on his 2006 Screaming Eagle Ultra with 150 miles on the bike. Talk to Dave here at Direct Parts he will set you up with exactly what you need. ;)
  12. CD

    CD Guest

    I'd love to wager oh, say a grand with that "dealer" that A; You will void the warranty and, B; That it will "flag" (I assume you mean "code") anything.

    To quote a tech specialist at Dynojet:

    "The Power Commander is after the ECU and does not do any changes to the ECU. Dealers will tell customers this to scare them away from our product, however, I have heard of a bunch of Race Tuners causing this issue lately due to anything from computer issues to bad communication. The Power Commander will not cause this problem."

    He points out a valid issue with ECU reprogramming software. If, for some reason the software gets corrupted, you have to re flash back to stock and start over. Sometimes, the EPROM won't take it as anyone that has tried to re flash a computer BIOS can tell you.. At least with a computer you can get the EPROM replaced...With H-D and any auto manufacturer you get to buy a new ECU.

    Up until today, we thought the V&H fuel pack was a good alternative to a Power Commander if money was a major issue. We just found out that unless V&H has a "map" for your combination or plans to build a "map" you are hosed. You cannot change the parameters yourself even on a dyno. Currently they are not willing to give out "guesses" on what the parameters should be for fear of blowing an engine. If you have one of the listed combinations, you are good to go. If you do not or you plan on further changes, we do not recommend a Vance and Hines Fuel Pack.

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