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she still farts!!!!

Discussion in 'CV Performance' started by rebeltitanfan63, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. rebeltitanfan63

    rebeltitanfan63 Member

    May 22, 2013
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    my wife has a 2006 883 low I have just put in your 48 slow jet n the 175 main! I think! mixture is 2 turns out and when 1st started up if I whap the gas it farts! is it because!1 not enough warmup time, 2 wrong size jets, 3 I have the stock pipes and breather still on it with baffles punched thru! oh it just has under 4000 miles!
  2. Tibor

    Tibor Member

    Sep 23, 2013
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    I think it's because you're lean. #48 is very big, so I think you'll have an intake leak (air is sucked in other than the front). Put some silicone grease in the intake, where the carb sits and make sure it fits properly. Double check with an unlit propane torch. If you hold it near to the intake and the rev goes up it's a leak. Make sure the gas is not sucked in through the front. I think the pilot jet should be #42 or max #45.


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