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Smoked Burgers - try it to believe it

Discussion in 'Roadkill Cafe - From Kill to Grill' started by Red Rider, May 26, 2017.

  1. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Next time you want BBQ and everyone else wants burgers, try this: make up some thick patties of ground beef (70/30 meat works real good for this at at least 1/3lb per) and get 'em in your smoker or any closed top-BBQ that you can make smoke in. Smoke 'em for about an hour (depending on burger size and temp) or so between 140 - 190 degrees. After that, get the burgers off, up the heat to your usual burger temp and grill 'em. They'll need a lot less time to finish, no more than half what you're used to - frankly, you'll know if you know anything about grilling burgers.

    I did this on a whim 'cuz I wanted BBQ but no one else wanted to wait for smoked tri-tip, and it turned out amazing. Even had the red smoke circle in the burgers. Give it a shot!:hungry:
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Yep and if you like that, add blu-cheeze to the burgers mix it
    in with the ground beef, make your patties and smoke um..

    Also steaks are great on a smoker, you can reverse sear them
    which means smoke the meat to temp, pull then drop on a hot
    iron skillet for a few seconds to braise the outside.

    Ya want something really good, ya like Pizza?

    Make up the Pizza, cover it with your sauce, toppings
    cheese, crank the smoker up on its highest temp
    and put the pie right on the rack, no pan, no foil
    let it smokeificate, I bet ol Fatboy is droolin in his bourbon.
    Red Rider likes this.
  3. LaysJammin

    LaysJammin Member

    Aug 17, 2017
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    Tampa, Florida
    Wow! Reading this triggered my appetite, fellas.

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