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Sportster rear cylinder head bolts

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by tim, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. tim

    tim New Member

    May 2, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Whitehall, Pennsylvania
    hi guys,
    just a follow up to cardboards comments about using the manual and the factory torque procedure, I have a 1250 kit from Revolution Performance and the kit uses cometic gaskets which calls for using the factory torque sequence on the head bolts but not there torque values .Off the top of my head it was done in 4 steps first 9ftlbs then i believe it was 22ftlbs then 35 and finally 42 , which needed to be rechecked at least 3 times to make sure the studs were not stretching. I checked with there engineer after the case failure and he told me that they torque there 90" kits the same all the time and have never had any problems.

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