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Sporty buy back

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by nightster09, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    As I said, a Sportster is not a smaller version of a Big Twin. At 1st glance a Sportster & a Dyna look very similar, but they're quite different in many ways. A Sportster will trounce a Dyna on twisty 2-lane roads, but out on the interstate, the Dyna is much better. And if you carry a passenger often, the Dyna is a lot better for that too. The Nightster's been very popular, but just with solo riders who like it for what it is.
  2. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    Whatte heck are they gonna do with all those traded in sportsters, if they truly give you your money back then everyone will just buy a new one because they will all be the same price(new or used) somebodys gonna have to take a hit on them sportys, and I doubt its the dealer, Todd
  3. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    That's a good question. At one time, a used Sportster in XLent condition did sell for what the MSRP was new as year-to-year prices rose, but of course the economy is a lot different today.

    However, I have seen a few used Sportsters @ a dealer priced higher than a new one, but only in a sitation like comparing a used 1200 Custom with lots of chrome, aftermarket pipes, etc. to a new 883 Standard with no add-ons.

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