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Stage 1 Carb Kit

Discussion in 'Vendor Feedback' started by echo, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. echo

    echo New Member

    Apr 4, 2013
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    Well I ordered the Stage 1 Deluxe carb kit for my 99 Fatboy on 4/3 received it on 4/6 three days OUTSTANING GUYS THANKS!!! To start off I bought this bike last year and had carb problems with it back firing carb was choking. Not sure what kind of kit was in it but the other owner had done his own changes ,not good . Had a 45 idle and a 170 main . I went by the chart as per the instructions that came with CV-Performance kit which called for a 46 idle and:):) a 185 on the main . I have to say I wish I did this long ago. I got the carb tuned and went out for my test ride OMG my bike has never ran so good. The throttle response is off the hook what a big difference . I was loosing so much power before and now its like having a new bike. Everything went great on the install no complaints here . Just want to say THANKS TO YOU ALL AT CV-PERFORMANCE for fast delivery and a great product . :):):)

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