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Stage 1 for 103ci

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by dumpsterdom89, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. badinfluence63

    badinfluence63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    New England
    Let me throw this in for consideration:

    HD MOCO deeply embeds its codes. The aftermarket tuners try to fool the MOCO codes especially the Power Commander's series. The aftermarket tuners are a flawed sytem and not fail safe in my opinion but you do what you feel comfortable with for yourself.

    I'm not touching my bike's factory performance setup. I don't find the engine to hot. Very happy with the MPG especially. And the SOB goes damned fast enough for me for now. I may get bored down the road and change things up, I don't know.

    On my 2001 Ultra I did the stage 1 and II, OEM cam drive upgrade and 204 SE cam. Great take off from a stop and great for passing. MPG sucked and combined with the 5 gallon tank and EFI in it I was always starting to look for gas over 100 miles probably hitting reserve around 140+. On my 2012 at 180 miles I still have 2 gallons,why mess with that? I tour long distance and reliablility and MPG is very important s there are stretchs in this country and Canada where gas stations are not on top of each other like they are up here in the Northeast.

    I've been riding HD's for over 40 years and have been back and forth between OEM and after market and I am a stoned to the bone OEM guy from here on out. Again, good luck.

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