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Sundays Ride

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Fatboy128, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. baggerpaul

    baggerpaul Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    south fl.
    Kinda hard to get lost in south florida . Head south hit water head west hit water head east hit water . South to the keys north to orlando -daytona west to tampa st pete . No need for gps just follow all the new york folks they will lead ya were to go . Thats all we got down here lol!
  2. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    Yup, they've had those cameras in Raleigh for a while now - but nowhere else as far as I know. "The Triangle", as it is known, is indeed mostly made up of transplants from up north somewhere. It's the white collar jobs they come for.

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