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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Hot01, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    I'm not sure I'd say good, but I guess it's better. I went in to the doc's about a week ago because my hand was hurting and I thought I had too much movement in my fingers. The nurse thought they'd give me another cast with more coverage, but no. I could barely move my thumb and index finger because the scar tissue had locked everything down. They put on a splint and I start physical therapy tomorrow.

    I've been trying to use it more, and I do, but it's very painful. I've been working on some cross stitch and might move to crochet as a form of productive physical therapy. I've also been playing Guitar Hero with my son while he's here visiting. I still can't tie my shoes or do anything that requires any twisting of my wrist. Right now I feel like I'll never be able to squeeze a clutch again, but I'm sure that's not true.

    I had no idea it was going to be this painful or last so long. Oh, and the lawyers are beating down my door now. Surgery has added a whole new dimension to the case.

    Thanks for thinking of me.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    sounds like good news.....thoughts and prayers still out to you........:)
  3. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Yep what chuck said , also the cold weather will make it feel bad as well , & by the time then snow melts you'll be pulling in the clutch handle with easy:D

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