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Synthetic Oils

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by joejoe3, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. Tim Vipond

    Tim Vipond Banned A-Hole

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Sugar Land, TX (Houston)
    I am an independent dealer of AMSOIL products. I am not an AMSOIL employee. I can sell any other product I wish to.

    AMSOIL can be ordered and delivered by UPS to your home. Or you can buy it at stores. Or you can pick it up at a dozen warehouses in the US.
  2. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains

    I have a question for someone...not sure who might have the answer. Back years ago, my older brother was comtroller for a place called Southern Petroleum in West Memphis, AR, right across the brindge from Memphis, TN. He gave me a tour of the place once to win a bet. I was a real gung ho fan of Valvoline oil. Well Southern packaged oils for a lot of companies, Valvoline, Castrol, Harley Davidson, and others. Yep you guessed it, same oils out of the same tanks just different packages and had slightly different additives. Same with anti freeze since they packaged that as well. He said the only thing to really be concerned with was the API rating that is on the oil container if that matches what your manufacturer recomends you have the right oil. Sort of a disillusioning thing but facts are facts.

    My question is are the synthetics mass produced by the same process? Like I can't see the Motor company making thier own oil, hell they won't make most of thier own parts!

    So how many places are actually formulating and manufacturing the synthetics?

    As to synthetics going longer distances between oil changes...like some one said oil is cheap compared to motors even with todays prices.

    Ride Free............
  3. Tim Vipond

    Tim Vipond Banned A-Hole

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Sugar Land, TX (Houston)

    As you saw, many different brand oils can indeed come out of the same bottling plant. This is probably the norm, rather than the exception.

    Shell Oil Products US owns the Shell, Pennzoil, and QuakerState brand oils and can be bottled out of the same plant. However, each brand is a similar but different formulation. These plants have several vessels containing different ingredients, which are blended together according to the specific product they are making. I think all of the different brands use slightly different base oils and additives and that no two are identical. They can also do private labeling of oil such as for Suzuki, WalMart, or others. The same goes for the other oil manufacturers.

    Harley for example, likely bids their specifications to different oil companies and then picks someone to make their oils and fill their bottles for a contract period. Then it could go to another formulator/bottler. In the past they have used Sunoco in California for their group III "synthetic" and from you I learned they used Southern Petroleum in Memphis TN.

    Castrol does not have their own refineries and don't make their own oil, except possibly in their lab. They choose someone else to make and bottle their product.

    AMSOIL buys synthetic base chemical made oils from Exxon and others, buys their additives from other companies, but blends in their own facility in Superior Wisconsin and bottles their own products there.

    So how do you know which oils are best, who makes them, and if any are identical?

    Compare all the specifications and/or typical properties from the data sheets that all companies provide and learn what the different values mean. Some companies only provide bare minimum specs. Other companies are proud of their oils and offer lots of outstanding specs. Look for any ASTM comparison testing between brands. I think AMSOIL stands alone in that they usually compare their major products against the competition by name. You can also scrutinize Material Safety Data Sheets which may have the actual manufacturer/bottlers name listed and also the Chemical Abstract Numbers which may tell you if the base oils are petroleum or chemically made synthetics.

    Call the technical assistance phone numbers or websites listed on the products. Sometimes they will answer you questions, sometimes they can't because of confidentuality.

    API ratings are a minimum specification for API approved oils. Many oils are formulated for low price and to just pass the API tests for short oil change intervals. Others are formulated to far exceed the API tests and perform the API sequence testing at 3 times the suggested test periods and can be used for extended oil change intervals.
    Some oils can only go 4,000 miles and need to be changed. Others can go 400,000 miles and still be used.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2007
  4. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I'm more worried about the brand of oil filter than I am oil itself. For the most part..you can't convince me one name brand oil is really any better than another. But when it comes to filters..that's a different story.
  5. Tim Vipond

    Tim Vipond Banned A-Hole

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Sugar Land, TX (Houston)
    Which oil and air filters do you like and why?
  6. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    I have used amisol in many of my bikes, Ran it in my shovelhead for over 10 years & no trouble or leeks I now run it in my 03 fathead TC88 E,Glide with over 44k on the clock & no trouble But I do change my oil around ever 3-4 K miles I have never had to add any oil to the engine other then when doing the change , I run the chrome filter don't now who makes it I but At competition motercycles in pearland TX , & they sell amsoil as well & I use it in all three holes
  7. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I've been using Mobil 1 for motorcycles in my FJR1300 and it increased my mileage about 2-3 mpg. Though I think any major brand full synth wouldn't make much difference..just change it every 3-4000 miles at most.

    As far as filters..I avoid Fram for motorcycles. They're just cheaply built. I either use a K&N oil filter or the Yamaha brand (I get a discount at my dealer for being a STAR member)..depending on convienance at the time.
  8. Tim Vipond

    Tim Vipond Banned A-Hole

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Sugar Land, TX (Houston)
    Cowboy - you ought to consider running your oil changes out to 10,000 miles since you are running AMSOIL oil and filters, especially with the new oil formulation and new filter. Your AMSOIL oil and filters are warrantied to 10,000 miles or 12 months, whichever is first. I have a few Harley riding friends that have done that for years. I rode a 2000 K1200LT BMW 137,000 miles and went 12,000 miles on AMSOIL oil and filter as that was double the BMW oil change recommendation. No problems and the oil sight glass is still clean. Others that ran BMW, Mobil1, and Rotella synthetic oils the sight glasses got so dirty after around 50,000 miles that they had to replace them, and I figure the same thing is going on in our engines. You save a lot of money, time and lower the impact on the environment with extended changes. Did you know AMSOIL came out with a new air filter for Harleys? Filters out smaller particles, holds more dirt, and breathes better than any other air filter. It is a 4 year/100,000 mile filter that you remove once a year, vacuum or blow off, and reinstall. No messy washing or oiling for about the same price as a K&N. Info at https://www.amsoil.com/StoreFront/eaam.aspx . I can't wait for them to come out with one for my bike.

    I live in Sugar Land, TX. Do you live in Pearland? I ride with a cruiser group in Missouri City on Saturday mornings if you care to meet up with us sometime.

    SK - Mobil1 for motorcycles is an excellent choice for your FJR1300. You could extend your oil changes to the maximum listed in your owners manual. Which is? The K&N and Yamaha filters are fine choices as would the Mobil1 if it is available for your bike. See http://www.mobiloil.com/USA-English...Mobil_1_Extended_Performance_Oil_Filters.aspx for more info. If your annual mileage exceeds the maximum oil change interval listed in your manual, you might consider running AMSOIL oil and filters to double your oil change interval. I've used Mobil1 and AMSOIL and prefer the AMSOIL as I think it performs a little better in my bike, in the comparison above, and is warrantied for twice as long.

    AMSOIL came out with a new unique oil filter this year which seems to be better than the rest. Supposed to filter smaller particles, hold more particles, flow better and last longer than any other filter currently made. More info at amsoil.com.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2007
  9. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains

    So far with the SuperGlide I have stuck with Screaming Eagle synthetic, mainly do to availability. It seemed either that or Mobile 1 since I can find that about anywhere. And with me that is a big part of the equation. I like to change that engine oil around 3K period. Yeah I know the 5K and 10K arguments and they may all be really valid. But a beast like an H-D isn't like a modern cage. It is a dinasaur and needs all the help it can get. So I don't wanna be running all over BumF&^%k Illinois looking for oil....and I don't wanna be packing a case with me either, been there done that. Back in the pan and shovel days I ran hard bags so I had a place for oil and spare parts...and kept a rebuilt engine crated at my moms. If I broke down bad I would call her and she would call the truck line lol. I have swapped engines and shipped the busted one home more than once. **** I sure am glad I made it through the "Good Old Days".
    I feel from what I have read that Redline seems like a Great thing...but it can't be found all over.
    As to the oil for a shovel.....I can only tell ya what kept me running for years.Castrol 70 wt in the summer 50 in the winter 90/120 in the gear box and seal off the primary and run a transmission fluid bath with Barnett wet or dry clutches in the primary if running a chain instead of a belt.

    Ride Free........
  10. Tim Vipond

    Tim Vipond Banned A-Hole

    Aug 24, 2006
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    Sugar Land, TX (Houston)

    Nothing wrong using Screaming Eagle Synthetic every 3,000 miles in your Harley. It's a good choice for your situation.

    I dislike changing oil and filters and much prefer the 12,000 mile oil and filter changes I do. This saved me about $1700 over the past 4 years vs doing 3,000 mile oil changes over 137,000 miles on the same bike. Plus I get better gas mileage. And I never have to worry about getting oil changed on the road or having to carry or get extra oil because it doesn't use any between oil changes. I also know I can get it delivered anywhere in the US and Canada in two days. Or I can go to any of 13 warehouses in the US and pick it up, plus several thousand stores. AMSOIL motorcycle oil may be available in more places than Harley Synthetic and Mobil 1 motorcycle oil. It is in Houston anyway.
  11. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Tim Thanks for all the infom & the invite for a ride , I live just south of pearland in Alvin , Have way to much going on in my personel life for a sat morning ride right now , but sounds like a good time , My son been useing my bike for about two weeks now cheeper on gas, his new job has him running 120 miles a round trip home & back & I put a couple hundred on it over the weekend so about 800 miles a week , I checked my oil yesterday , I still full & looked & smelt good has about 4k miles on this change of oil& filter amisol , I'll call Comp M/C tomorrow & see what filters they sell , just to see if it's the amisol one & try it out
  12. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Everyone uses what ever oil they like and as I said before change your oil regularly. Going 10,000 miles with a V-Twin motor before changing your oil using SYN oil to me is, nuts.
    Change it often including the filter.
  13. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
  14. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    Every 3 months or 1000 miles, I don't care which oils in it (the HD) . Did the same with all my street rods\muscle cars too. My DD Vehicles go 2000-2500 and they get clean oil. The cleaner the oil the longer they'll run, it's just that simple.
  15. flip 57

    flip 57 New Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    So. Cal.
    It is really on one's person prefference which oil he puts in. Whether it is syn. or base or whatever but the most important is to change your oil regularly. If you like to change it every 10,000 miles then go ahead. I feel safe if I see mine when it is not black. Oil and oil filter is cheap But not the engine. Be safe and do it regularly.....:)
  16. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Amsoil, HD Syn, HD 360, Castrol, Valvoline, Mobil1, Mobil1 Vtwin,

    they all work with in microbes of each other, as long as it's rating meets HD's spec and it's 20W-50 then you're good to go.

    Change it at least 5K, earlier if you ride in traffic stop and go, maybe you're a parade clown on a Dresser so you need to change it more often,

    Change the filter, I run a black HD filter, why, it's less than chrome and I like its looks as you can't see the darn thing on my black motor black frame bike.

    Don't buy the Amsoil we're better than all the rest hype, maybe they are, but you don't have to have the "better than all the rest" you have to have the oil that meets your needs.

    For the longest time they tested all the oils, Mobil 1 red cap 20W50 was tested against Mobil 1 V-twin guess what, the addititve package was almost exactly the same, a billionth of a micro amount of difference on two additives, based on Bob is the Oil Guy comments, not enough to do any difference so if you smell a marketing rat, then....

    Buy one brand if the bikes cooler and quieter stick with it.
  17. gumby321

    gumby321 New Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    My Problem Is Heat

    I live in Las Vegas and try not to ride during the day when it is too hot. I have been thinking about an oil cooler because here in Vegas you can't split traffic. So you are sitting with all those wonderful cars throwing off more heat and exhast fumes.
    I have been using the scremin eagle synthetic 20/50. This is the first time I am using it in my new old bike. I just bought a 1991 FXR P. She runs strong but smokes a bit. I put a new Mikuni 42 MM on her so she now responds better. She is running a bit rich and I moved the clip on the needle up one notch. I think I either need to get a bigger needle or try putting the clip on the last notch.
    The reason I like the idea of the screamin eagle is I can use it in everything.
    The only thing it can't be used in is your brake system. So when I do go on those runs I only need to bring 1 qt just in case. I am the guy who rides with saddle bags and has all the tools. I like to be prepared for anything and everything. I even carry c.o.2 and a gun with plugs and glue to fix a flat.

    If there is anything I hate the most is people not taking care of biz. When it comes to your bike and going on runs. If you don't take care of your bike. Your bike won't take care of you. I have gone into Harley shops here in Vegas. I have only lived here for 2 years. I moved from calif. here you tell them you have a 1991 they look at you like, why???? You should have a new bike. They don't even carry simple things for older bikes here. In L.A. or Orange County you would be able to get anything you needed without ordering it.
    I love my old bikes and I only ride the best bike Harley ever made. (in my eyes) There is no bike I have found that feels as good as an FXR. So I like to put the best product I can in her. Now I will try this oil and will see what happens down the road. I put many miles on my bike when the weather is cooler. I will post up and let you know what happens in the coming year.
    You take care and hope to see many new faces in Las Vegas this year for the partys that are being held here throughout the year. Come on in to Vegas. Where what happens here stays here. Especially if you get busted for doing something stupid. It will be those that do those stupid things staying here. take care ......Gumby321 Peace and remember all those on this date who gave their lives...9/11/01
  18. gumby321

    gumby321 New Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    you got that right

    I am with you on this one....They say with the sceamin eagle you can change every 10 grand. Seems like a long time for me. We will see though. This is the first time I am using it. I will post up to let you all know what the facts are with me and mine. Gumby321 peace
  19. ridehard95

    ridehard95 New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Titusville FL
    I really don't trust synthetic oil

    I have heard good stories and bad sories about synthetic oil. But in my Harley I use Harley oil or rev-tech . I heard lot of guys say you can go 2000 to 3000 miles before oil ghange with synthetic. Ya right dirt is dirt I Change my oil every 1000 or so miles some times even at 500 miles it all depends on if I have been riding it hard or have got it a little hot like at bike week or some thing. Each there own but if you change your oil like you should you won't ever have to worry about it any how. And I feel rev-tech is the best oil out there I live in florida so I run the 25-60 Ridehard Titusville FL
  20. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA

    You're wasting your money changing at 500 or 1000, it's yours to waste and do as you like, that's the ah-murican way, however, in case you'd like to think about it. HD recommends 5K on the oil change.

    The synthetics will last a lot longer because they don't break down in the heat like dyno oils will over use and exposure. So they stay the same longer, not slipperyer but original sipperyness.

    Change it if you want, and hd360 is good oil, however you can go at least 2K without changing that oil and it's not going to hurt a thing.

    BTW someone commented on how syn can make old motors leak, yes it can, but not because its slippery or smaller molecules or black magic.

    Your dyno oils the 60 weight you were running is thick and it doesn't clean through out the oil change interval, as it ages it's cleaning ablility decreases, it also can allow sludge to fill up leaking gasket areas.

    You then go and put in a nice 20W-50 Syn oil that holds it's properties over the life of the oil service just like new, and it cleans areas out that the old Dyno wouldnt'. So it starts removing that sludge and presto instant base gasket leak.

    Blame the oil but the leak was already there, syn oil doesnt' cut through gaskets or weep through unless the problem already existed, then it will find it's way out as it cleans things up.


    Redline Heavy in the trans or AmsOil Racing Syn Gear Oil in the trans
    HD 20W-50 syn in the primary
    Mobil 1 or Castrol Vtwin in the motor.

    any of them are good.

    Most i've heard kudos for is the Redline Heavy shockproof in the trans.

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