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The Dyno is back and alive!

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by CD, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. CD

    CD Guest

    Well, after several years of sitting neglected we purchased our old Dyno back from a shop it was sold to. A lot of cleaning and a new sensor and instrument package later, we were able to make our first test runs. Being that the old mule is gone, we decided to run the Road King on it. Everything is looking good and I cannot wait for the dynamic brake and the real time EGA so we can get a lot more accuracy during runs and tuning.

    As a side note, I had some interesting results from the run on the 2KRK. The configuration is:
    9.5:1 flat tops
    Stock heads
    TW37G cams
    Bub X-Dresser headers
    Hooker Tuned flow mufflers left to torque right to power
    I had always figured this to be about 72-75hp and mid 80's in torque.
    The results showed I was correct in torque but the HP was only 65-66.
    The really odd thiing is the torque and power curves. The torque curve builds very quickly, peaks at 3500 RPM and falls off to 40 at 6k! The HP continues to build slowly peaking at 5k or so.

    By altering the baffle settings to both at torque and both set to between we were able to alter the results. In the end, we were at 66hp and 88 ft lb torque and the curves were better. This was achieved with the baffles in between HP and Torque.

    What this demonstrates is the poor scavenging of the true duals and the inability to tune the EFI properly without the dynamic brake and the EGA. I am sure we could pick up some power and torque through tuning but the curve would be the same probably.

    Future testing (next week) same configuration with V&H basic slip on mufflers. Then, we will install the new V&H true dual headers and test again.

    Next step is to install a 2-1 Pro pipe and test.

    By then, I hope the other stuff is here and we can tune the PCIII via the EGA and Dyno and should be able to get a realistic reading on the importance of proper tuning.

    It has long been a goal of mine to do some more real world testing with no bias toward any manufacturer. It will also give us the ability to test other products and give honest results.

    Soon as I get the Dyno computer on the network I'll post the runs in our soon to be integrated photo post software.

    Stay tuned!
  2. hobo76

    hobo76 New Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hey CD,
    I am or was very interested in uping my cubes to a 95", but with I have installed samson streetsweeper, and a hypercharger and I made 71 hp on the dyno here im hawaii. I am not trying to say your results aren't good I am just concerned about loosing ponies! Do you have any suggestions?
  3. Painter55

    Painter55 New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    I would be quite interested to see your results. I just bought the Pro Pipe (great service today--thanks!) for my '04 FLSTCI, and I am curious as George about how much improvement to expect.

    I would like to learn much more about performance enhancing methods. What other methods are available besides the full-blown Dyno? Anything more portable and simple for a solo act like me?

    Yo, down the road,

  4. EGlide

    EGlide New Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Spring Valley, CA
    Hello CD,
    You have true dual headers. Is there a benefit to having one side set to torque and one side set to HP. I always thought that was only a good set up with a stock Header. I have both of mine set to torque and produce 73 HP and 85 ft lbs of torque with stock ECM, Screaming Eagle Breather, PCIIIR, and the Hooker True Duals. I figure since I have a true dual setup, I should run a balanced muffler system. I am running a dynojet map that is close, but not exact for my application. The map has one side set to torque and the other to HP.
    :D :confused: :D
  5. CD

    CD Guest

    Whew! Loads of questions here.

    No, I would still up the cubes as there is no replacement for displacement as they say and it is true. Compare a 88" with a TW37 to a 95" with the same cam and the diference is very apparent.

    The Propipe is on hold until I can get the dynamic load control and the EGA to set up the PCIIIR properly. I want to get some runs done before removing the true duals just to see how far off the tuning is. I know for sure it will build considerably more power but, I want to get the PCIII tuned properly for the true duals first.

    With a tweaked map we should get a much smoother curve and pick up power where ever we are not tuned properly.

    We actually found that the best torque and HP came with the baffles set to the mid point mark halfway between power and torque.

    And, we just ran the V&H classic slip on mufflers and found that they made about the same power as the best run the Hookers made.

    More to follow.
  6. hobo76

    hobo76 New Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Thanx cd, I really appreciate the reassurance. This site is awsome
  7. CD

    CD Guest

    Got a chance to do some more runs today. We were able to test the V&H true dual headers against the Bub X-Dressers. WOW! totally different curves! I now have my mid 70's HP and depending on the run and muffler 90ft lb torque.

    We reached 75hp and 90+ft lbs torque on the V&H true duals with Hooker slip on mufflers set to Power on the rioght Torque on the left. The V&H classic mufflers are right in the running making slightly more HP BUT the curve is by far the best on the Hookers.

    Soon as I can I will post the info.... Bear in mind this is being done with maps that are closest to what my configuration is as we do not have the load control and exhaust stuff yet. I am sure I will squeeze some more out with tuning.
    Soon as the annual Bike Talk ride is over I will try the Pro Pipe....
    I only have to change all fluids, true the wheels, do a 10k and rip the nacelle off to do a fork adjustment so I don't get anymore rude surprises since Goose and Bob and SK are gonna be running away from me and hiding. Goose can ride a Toro lawn mower and beat about anyone I know. And, if memory serves our Canadian friend Ain't no slouch either as he donated funds to the Sturgis economy once that I know of. SK? Well, the FJR flies when he let's it loose so we are going to have some serious good riding.:D
  8. Painter55

    Painter55 New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Keep the good stuff coming... real deal data.... excellent.

    I got my Pro Pipe today along with the PCIII. I installed map M805-147 on the PCIII along with the Accelerator Pump Ugrade set to 90% sensitivity, 40rpm, and +15% increase (per the suggested values on the PC website.) It all goes on the bike Saturday morning, so I will have some performance appraisals by Saturday afternoon. Hard data, too, if I can get a dyno session without an appointment.

    I'll be back....

    Yo, down the road,


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