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The Judge

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Taurus Armed.net - Index

    Just for Taurus info/questions/chat. I have a couple of M66 .357s and a .38 spl M85UL stainless I really like.

    The Judge is NOT a lot of things people think it is. No, you can't go duck hunting with it (I had a guy suggest that once), it's not a small game getter (pattern is good to maybe 20 feet), it's not all THAT accurate enough for any sort of hunting with .45 colt due to excessive freebore, plenty accurate enough for self defense. You CANNOT safely fire the +P "Ruger/TC only" loads in the gun, not strong enough. Ergo, it is NOT an outdoorsman's answer to survival. It can take snakes at short range, but then, so can a good, accurate .22. I don't need shot loads to hit a snake's head, but then, I practice a lot.

    What it IS, is a good idea for self defense in the home or as a car gun. Load up with buck and it lacks excessive penetration without resorting to Glasier or Mag Safe or some other expensive frangible bullet, increases your hit probability at short range in the dark, and is intimidating as hell. :D It's not real carriable at 48 or something ounces and a HUGE cylinder, though they have a titanium model out now that's 10 or 12 ounces less. I wouldn't want to even holster it. But, for the home defense, car gun niche, it's a good option. Still, I'll stick with my .38 and other carries. I don't drive, much, usually on a motorcycle. I have a REAL shotgun in the bedroom and my carry goes everywhere and I know how to hit with it.

    I think the 3" model is out, now (for 3" .410) The 2.5" only holds 3 000 buck. The 3" holds five. That will do a number on a bad guy even wearing a leather jacket. Hell, Dick Cheney did a pretty good job with a shotgun at 30 yards, a 28 gauge loaded with 8 shot quail loads, on a lawyer, and you know, a fat lawyer has a lot of lard to penetrate. :D One of the shot lodged fractions of an inch from his heart. I figure 000 buck ain't gonna mess around even out of a handgun length barrel.

    MidwayUSA - Winchester Super-X Ammunition 410 Bore 3" 000 Buckshot 5 Pellets Box of 5

    MidwayUSA - Winchester Super-X Ammunition 410 Bore 2-1/2" 000 Buckshot 3 Pellets Box of 5
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2008
  2. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Let me put it this way, 000 buck is about .36 caliber. Out of the Judge, it's going to be moving somewhere near 850 fps. Now, that's pretty close to what a .36 colt Navy fired. How many people did Wild Bill plant with his Navies? And, Wild Bill shot a few of those guys at 50 yards or better! So, at close range, think of the 3" .410 from the Judge as five Colt Navies firing at the bad guy at once. If he lives through that, I'm sure a 260 grain Winchester silver tip will bring him the rest of the way down. :D
  3. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    What if you staggered em. One shotgun shell, one pistol shell, one shotgun shell 1 pistol shell. Hit him with the shotgun and finish him with the pistol. YOu ain't gonna do 1 shot 1 kill are you. Put a little fun in it when you hammer him. Make him feel a little pain. If everything else fails you still got yer trusty pocket knife.:rant:
  4. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Well, in the house, I'd go 3 shot shells, last two silvertips. I see the advantage in the gun as less penetration through walls, less retained energy if it DOES penetrate walls, like SK says. My house is small. I'd be at near contact range with it, so I doubt he's going to stand for the second shot. ;)

    Me, well, I don't have any close neighbors, so I load up with .38 +P and feel they're enough. Also got a 20 gauge coach gun (bought it to dove hunt with, breaks down and fits in my top trunk on the Wing) in my bedroom. If the BG wants me bad enough to break the locked door of the bedroom, he gets a load or two of number 3 buckshot from a REAL shotgun. Used to keep my old 12 gauge twice pipe there, but the little coach gun is handier and kills things just as well as the bigger gun. God help the poor bastard on the receiving end of it, put it that way. :D I really doubt anyone would want me that bad, bein' as I'm such a nice fellow. But the wife, well, she's mean as hell, could be after her.
  5. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Cool. I'm not sure that I can fit another gun into my nightstand though. Unfortunately in employee housing I'm not supposed to have any guns and they have a policy where they can come in and search anytime. Another reason I need to get out of here. I definitely won't keep my shotgun assembled. I've got one rather imposing item in front of the guns in the nightstand purchased specifically for the purpose that it'll embarrass the crap out of any guy that decides he needs to search my nightstand and hopefully he'll just shut the drawer and leave. ;)
  6. Ultra Al

    Ultra Al New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    West Texas
    '01 Thats really screwed up. When i was working in Co. a few years ago you never new what the gun laws were from one county to the next. They certainly did have some good gun shows though. BTW I have some extra NRA stickers if you want them, you could stick them on the office window at night LOL
  7. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    BWAAAA, ha, ha, ha!:roflmao:

    Personally, I wouldn't work for such draconian ***holes. But, then, I work for myself, and I'm a draconian ***hole....go figure....
  8. fxdxriderleo

    fxdxriderleo Active Member

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Earlville, NY

    i have 2 twelve gauge pumps , a 16 gauge bolt , a marlin 44 mag lever gun a 22 bolt rifle, a 357 revolver. the only ones that i keep loaded are the ones in reach. the shot guns are loaded with 7 1/2 1oz skeet loads hits hard at close range. don't overpenetrate walls to bad. the 357 gets some 125 gr handloads pushing 1500 fps. the 44 gets winchester 44 special 200 gr silvertips the 22 gets cci minimags. where ever i am in the house i'm not more than a few steps away from one of them. the sound of a pump gun being cycled is on of the scariest sounds you will ever hear in the dark. i like the 44 with the laser site, put the dot where you want, it pull trigger, repeat as nessary, if you use all ten rounds, give up, he's to tough.
  9. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Not many people that I have talked to have bolt 16ga!!! I have one, took my first deer with it.... only problem is that the safety is broke, and too much movement the hammer dropps for no reason! Now that I have a few something elses, that is a wall hanger..... have a 20ga bolt also...have not shot that yet, but it is in PRISTINE condition!!! then a mossberg 500...have both smooth and rifled slug barrels for that....then the 7mmRem Mag..... 1909 remington pump 22 rifle, 410/22 hornet M6 scout rifle, and 357 revolver.... all but the 16ga shoot well as far as I know.
  10. Ultra Al

    Ultra Al New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    West Texas
    Mine is an Ithaca 37 riot gun. I bought it at a gun show in Phoenix. It has a factory parkerized finish. Ithaca made these for the military and police after they stopped producing for the public. 7 rounds of 00 which allows me to pump one in the chamber, just for that "sound effect" Leo mentioned. I have a little elastic shell holder that slips over the butt with 7 more 00 rounds in it. I dont worry about shooting through walls as my house if brick and I have no close neighbors. In my dresser drawer is my trusty Colt .45 and two extra clips loaded with hydra shcoks. Some of my hand loads actually beat the silvertips and the hydra shocks but in a concealed class I took the instructor stated using hand loaded ammo in a defense situation is asking for trouble, construes intent of some such bs. AL
  11. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i have not had problems with intruders or such....:)

    Attached Files:

  12. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    that looks like fun!!! why didn't you break that out to shoot cans after assembly of the bike?!!! :D
  13. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Got a AR-15 officers model with a 30 round clip and hot bowtail shells loaded. Have my Bernelli 12 guage leaning against the wall with 00 buckshot in it and both a 40 and 45 Glock laying near just in case. You may never need it. but in case you do. I want to be ready. If the occasion ever comes I don't want to be handicapped and wishing I had. In my profession I've heard a lot of war stories about people that got robbed , front door kicked in, and so on.:fight:
  14. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    Chuck That would look a lot nicer with a rotary clip on it. Just put one on my buddies Thompson a couple months ago, kinduva pain to install but it sure looks nice , he also bought the violin case made for the Tommy, he tells everyone his gramdpa gave it to him and he was in the mafia
  15. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Uh, that'd be a DRUM MAGAZINE. :D The hundred rounders last a few seconds in full auto, I'm told....:devil:
  16. Ultra Al

    Ultra Al New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
    Likes Received:
    West Texas
    Very cool looking toy Chuck. Given the choice of one weapon I would still pick a 12 Ga pump or semi auto loaded with 00 over a Thompson, even one in full auto. I packed an M16 in Nam and personally i can do more damage with the 12 ga than a full auto on spray and pray. With the exception of quad 50's LOL. Al
  17. 00 wildglide

    00 wildglide New Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    Looks like it's easier to pack than the trusty ol 12GA.:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
  18. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    a 12 pump, modified within leagle specs is easer to carry and a lot deadler than the thompson....:cool:
  19. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Personally, I think when protection in the home matters that size does help but getting the first shot off is what is Just as important. When in the dark a good shotgun would probably be the best line of defence. ;)
  20. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Tactics are more important than weapon. In my little house, a handgun is better for checking bumps in the night, can hold it near the body, fend off an attacker with my off hand while shooting from close to the body at contact ranges. A shotgun is too easily taken and too hard to employ in a fight at contact ranges. When your living room is only 12x14, there isn't a lot of room even for a riot gun. I prefer one of my snubbies, personally.

    However, my primary tactic for home evasion middle of the night is the safe room strategy. The bedroom door is locked, I have my cell phone, my coach gun, and my revolver near the bed. Call 911 and wait for those who I pay to clear the house, the cops. If the guy REALLY wants in the door bad enough to break it in, he gets a load of number three buck or 2 in the chest/head. If he's STILL coming, I've got a 5 shot .38 for him and sometimes, like yesterday, I carry a .357 magnum and leave it by the bed at night, .38 is in the bed stand drawer always.

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