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Thursdays Ride

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by badinfluence63, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. badinfluence63

    badinfluence63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
    Likes Received:
    New England
    Me and a friend rode rt 7 from Rutland,VT to Danbury,CT,jumped on I-84 east to I-91 north to home. 447 miles. The rt 7 part was relaxing and enjoying with much scenery and interesting sights. I-84 and the first part of I-91 sucked we hit the interstates right about the get out of work time plus summer traffic. Its like a parking lot except rolling at 70-80MPG,lol.

    Much north of Springfield,Mass its back to rural nice. We finished breakfast at 8am and got home at 6:30PM. It was a good day.

    I met a cool old man who was riding rt 1 from Palm Spring,FL to Maine and counting traffic lites of all things. He said by time he'd gotten to New Haven he'd counted 1762 lites thus far,lol. He was a riding fool and has a nice blog. You can find it by googling Dr. Bob's US Northeast Motorcycle ride or try rhopkins.us. We met him south of Hartford as he detoured to take a picture of the capital...another hobby. He rode and swore by a RG Ultra.

    Wish I owned a pool. Would have been nice to have just jump right in when I got home. Good times.

    Heres the ride:

    http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?form=MSNNAV&refig=1DDFE5AC66D841F1825BF4583647B3CD#Y3A9NDIuNTM5NjQxfi03Mi44ODY1ODYmbHZsPTgmc3R5PXImcnRwPXBvcy40My41MzMxMTVfLTcyLjM1NzA3MF9QbGFpbmZpZWxkJTJDJTIwTkhfX19lX35wb3MuNDMuMzgzMzg5Xy03Mi42MzcyMzBfUHJvY3RvcnN2aWxsZSUyQyUyMFZUX19fZV9 cG9zLjQzLjYwNDExMV8tNzMuMDE0NTg3X1J1dGxhbmQlMkMlMjBWVF9fX2VffnYuNDIuNDQ3MjI5Xy03My4yNzg5MjFfUm9zZWx5biUyMERyfnBvcy40MS4zOTI2ODZfLTczLjQ1MzU5Ml9EYW5idXJ5JTJDJTIwQ1RfX19lX35wb3MuNDEuNzYzNDg5Xy03Mi42NzQwMTlfSGFydGZvcmQlMkMlMjBDVF9fX2VffnBvcy40My42NDg3MDFfLTcyLjMxMDM0MV9XZXN0JTIwTGViYW5vbiUyQyUyME5IX19fZV8mbW9kZT1EJnJ0b3A9MH4wfjB+

    Dr. Bobs blog:


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