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Unbelievable stupidity!

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by AZroaddust, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Sad thing is that my Dad was one of those drivers. Never looking behind him before backing, switching lanes without looking, etc. It was a hard day when we took his license from him. He was unsafe for everyone else and him too!!! That about killed me, but we had to do that. I would hope that in time, each states Licensure department would begin testing drivers again at the age of say 65 and every other year after that. The roadways and highways would eventually become safer to some degree. There are still those buttholes that will continue to be on the road that shouldn't be there. Then there are the teenyboppers that think they can do whatever they want. Seen a few of them in my past, speeding by, switching lanes like they are in NASCAR (well this is Charlotte)... Oh Well, ride/drive safely and look out for those buttholes. Peace...:)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2006
  2. bobsled

    bobsled New Member

    Jan 28, 2007
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    not looking???

    I'e been hit on bicycles and motorcycles both. The problem was " i didn't see you". Now i ride with really loud pipes. I get a few disgusted looks and have had a few elderly women make some comments. even a few teeny boppers have said it only sounds fast. Well, I'll see ya down the road and i think i got my point across here. LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES.
    keep the rubber side down.
  3. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    I've done both..

    I have just went ahead and pulled up a light in the lane beside whomever cut me off and look over and shoot on pastthem. Some appollogized.Some I have told look what you are doing... and few that have actually stopped dead on in front of me... or decided to back up to turn into a drive they missed, got a good kick in the door. Still when when the old lady pulled out and hit us almost head on....nothing will prepare you for hearing an old rich lady showing no remorse and trying to say we came out of no-where. try telling that to my passenger's family since she did not make it. It took me a long time to walk again..I since then have have to pucker the ol' bottom a few times in close calls..after the situation is handled I just write it off. The anger does me no good...well ok I kicked one truck-door last year. The dummy was pulling a HD trailer and had to merge for a one lane construction site. He got beside my buddy, then instead of getting in behind us he shoved my buddy over into the berm. Once he got his bike back onto the rode ..I shot past him and pulled up next to the truck and trailer the "Paul utttle" wanna be looking fella just looked over at me ..he knew what he did..so he got the bird and then a nice dent in the door...I shot on past. I guess I got some anger inside left over from the wreck that comes out. The rest of the time I just let it go.
  4. dwmoorhouse

    dwmoorhouse New Member

    Jan 27, 2007
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    Sacrarmento Ca
    been there!

    I was going through Old Town Fair Oaks to stop at my favorate dive bar for a PBR,a game of pool and some David Allen Coe on the juke box...you know just puttin in first and mind you this is an old one lane road,and some bitch pulls up on the side walk to go around me pulls back in the lane and allmost clips me(25mph is posted and you bet your ass thats what I was doing)I pulled up next to her at the stop sign and told her that if I had had a gun she would have a hole in her head..she freaks, blows through the stop almost hits a car then flys through the next stop and almost drills another car!
    I'll tell you some of the worst drivers are in Fair Oaks,Citrus Heights,Orangevale...so if your ever in this end of Sacramento Ca.watch your ass!:picked:
  5. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    NJ ain't much better for A-holes, that's why I have the S/E double barrel pipes and the Thunder monster baffles. It's loud as hell and I ain't afraid to goose the throttle to let em know I'm there. I've actually gotten off my bike at a stop light and asked some jerkoff why he was tailgating me, called him a f-ing a-hole, and told him he should try watching what he's doing. (the speed limit was 35 and we were doing over 40 as it was) His response was he was a biker too, and inferred he was a cop, that's when I told him to get out of the F-ing car......His response was to sit there and be a bi*ch, (keep in mind this was in a road construction area and there were 1 or 2 bikes that belonged to the guys there parked on the side, so I knew I was in company) He waited till I walked away, then called me a *****. What a tuff guy.......He shoulda got out of the car and thrown down for a few.....Oh well, I'm better now.:D Stay safe guys.....
  6. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    nobody looks for bikes......i am riding through a small town here called cleveland. there are 4 sherrifs cars and two sherrifs bikes leading..they are in the left lane doing less than the speed limit. i pass them in the right lane, not speeding...to go on my way. we get less than 1/2 block from a traffic light, it is green, and one of the copbikes turns right in front of me to make the turn!!!! no signal of any kind...i hit the brakes hard, the rear breaks jus a bit...then the other bike pulls in front also....the 4 cruisers pull in behind me, as i was going straight.......should of hit the asss holle.......:mad:
  7. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Chuck, don't you know they're COPS, get out of their way!! :D They don't need no stinking turn signals! NJ has a law that you cannot pass on the right, and if you do and you cause a wreck or something you are at fault. I know this because a few weeks ago, a minivan load of sombreros tried to run a yellow light, only after the light the 2 lanes turned into one. (The right lane ended and mine didn't.) Well dontya know the idiots sideswiped my work truck. (man, was I pissed!) :angry: Anyway, he was at fault. Oh well, at least YOU'RE Ok. :)
  8. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    that's the law

    pretty much everywhere I know of..no passing the right lane...but I ain't never been to cali....seems alot different..don't get me wrong people do it all day but if ya get in a wreck you a gonna the one to blame for sure......
  9. fittykick

    fittykick New Member

    May 12, 2005
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    I was turning left on a green light and got t-boned by a snowbird who ran a red light...he was doing about 35mph when he took my bike out from under me(tuck and roll really works!!) He didn't even ask if I was okay. Gas station guy called the cops and then he told me I was screwed...the guy that hit me used to be the mayor, the arrogant *****. Yeah I got a ticket for failure to yield even though I had the green. Fought it and won, but it took me three months and $$
  10. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    That's typical bull****, ain't it!!:angry: Good for you that you won!!Hope you're OK!:D
  11. fittykick

    fittykick New Member

    May 12, 2005
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    Fortunately it was mid January (in New England) and I had on alot of extra clothes. Broke a bone in my hand but I got out of it in pretty good shape....alot better than my bike, which was totaled. I got the insurance check and went down and bought the same exact bike.
  12. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    That's cool, at least you were able to replace your bike and ride again. Some guys aren't that lucky after an accident like that. It's a shame people like that are still on the road though.....:rolleyes:
  13. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    With that information, I would have just beat his a$$ and got some pleasure out of it, but that’s just me.
  14. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Killer, probably would have been my reaction too. F-in jerk-offs. Wouldn't be the first time I tried to smack some stupid a** for pulling a stupid stunt like that.
  15. Hrd Rider

    Hrd Rider New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Unbelievable Stupidity

    Reference to mwelych thread, I've been riding bikes for over 45 years, I also have a PU with a B&S sticker on my rear window. I've NEVER cut off a fellow biker and I have had more than my share of close calls by someone running me in the median or having had to hit the shoulder. Every year my son and I ride from Maryland to the West Coast, NW, Western Canada or SW. I've ridden thru every conceivable weather condition and every lousy city you would care to name. Most all of our trips are 6400 miles or more, many of those miles are ridden at speeds of 75--85 mph. No, I'm no expert but you shouldn't make a blanket statement that everyone over age 65 should have to re-take a driving test or infer that over age 65 you are a menace on the hiway. Sorry it took so long to reply but I just read it. For your information,
    I'm 75 yrs.old and I'll ride as far, as fast and as safe as the best of them.
  16. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    You're right, not every older driver is a menace on the roads. There are alot of young drivers out there that are worse, especially the ones that are shaving, applying makeup, reading, talking on the phone, etc., etc., etc. Sorry if you were offended, I don't think that was the intent of the thread by any means.

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