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Watercooled hd

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by dougdail, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    Well, as things are turning out; if one wants a traditionally styled bike, they are going to have to build one from traditional parts!;)
  2. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I have had built and built HD with 100 hp.
    Had a 07 WG that had all the power a person could ask for.
    You can build a rocket, but the streets has Speedlimits on them.
    My stock bike with just air and header, and mufflers changes will do 80mph and be doing 3000 rpm.
    I can run that all day long.
    My bike will run over 100 mph which will take me directly to Jail
    I have never in my life seen so many Police officers lookin for somebody speeding.
    If you get a wreckless driving ticket for doing too fast, you get great insurance rates.

    If you need a bike to do any faster, go get a Pocket metric bike.
    They are much cheaper and will do over 150 if that is what you are lookin for.
    My OL likes mine vibrating just like it does.
    A Water Cooled Probably ain't gonna do that . And I wouldn't want one.
    Got friends with ST1300 Honda's. They had the plastic pulled off them and ran them. Showed me the heat. They also own Harleys.
    Said if you think water cooled is the way to go you ain't done your homework.
  3. baggerpaul

    baggerpaul Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    south fl.
    well if they do you will see a lot more cubic inch displacement motors thats for sure . they will have flex fuel bikes as well . and i would not be surprised to see forced induction motors to boot ! thats if they go water coolled.thats is ?
  4. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    How big of a cu motor do you really want. Bigger motor more heat.
    I wouldn't run flex fuel.
    I got friends that has flex fuel vehicles that will not run it in them.
    YOu get less fuel milage.
    With gas going up and up. Our country is going to be going back down.
    We are taking from the country growing the ecomomy back up with the fuel back up.
    If the Gas companies and chemical companies wanting gas to be 5.00 to 6.00 a gallon.
    I see no way out but a depression and this country going under with debt.
    China will come to collect. They will take land from us.
  5. baggerpaul

    baggerpaul Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    south fl.
    I hear ya brother i hear ya . im just stating a fact that wee see in the automotive world every day . they went throttle by wire years ago they went flex fuel. direct injection inthe cylinder like diesel trucks and up the compression on the stock motors 11.1 . and most if not all of late model v6 and inline 4 cylinders are forced induction . for 2013 . its just the wave of the future i hope harley stays the way it is . but i truly doubt it . they have to stay emmisions compliant . and with the fuel quality the way its been and the epa up every ones back side its gonna get hard for them thank god i have and old bagger . that i can do what ever i want to it . lol
  6. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    See folks run out from the Add's and buy a new dodge truck with 390 hp.
    They struggle a couple years driving it.
    I see them in a new car.
    Where's the truck. I can't afford to drive it. Why, the fuel milage sucks.

    I think they should remove Ethanol from Gas , and stop making reformulated gas.
    We are wasting natural resources to make the Tree Huggers happy.

    I see problems in the future.
    I work on 2 stroke boat motors and 4 stroke too.
    The carbed motors has a lot of problems. The 2 stroke especially.
    The ethanol eats up the orings and hoses and all .
    The 2 stroke fuel injected goes a lot better.
    But when they 1st went to 4 stroke boat motors they put carbs back on them.
    The idle jets and circuitry is so small the fuel of today even with marine stabilizer in it will stop the jets and all up.
    A jet is 30.00 up.
    They have finally gone to fuel injected 4 strokes because of the goverment.
    We have taken more and more steel out of the vehicles so they can get better fuel milage.
    If a car is in a wreck today they way they are made, don't take much to total them.
    We are living in a disposalable world.
    We go buy TV for 1500.00 and they will last between 5-8 yrs if you are lucky.
  7. notorious

    notorious New Member

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I worry about my yammie outboard with the e10 fuel, I am especially concerned when the government mandates the new e15 fuel. The reports I have read on its use in outboards is dismal. Apparently "all" tested engines failed in short order. Now keep in mind these are water cooled engines with and unlimited amount of cool water. The end result is that the fuel blend is going to require significant redesign in every gasoline engine. Now think about your lawn mower, weed eater, chain saw and such. Generally we don't spend much time thinking about them until something happens. The fuel blend and ethenol content is going to melt them in short order and force you to purchase another. I drain my carbs after every use on my small engines and always use Seafoam to aid in prevention of breakdown with the older rubber formulations, but I am destin; like everone else to be forced into replacing them sooner rather than later. I buy the non ethenol blend of fuel for my small engines regardless to its cost.
    My XR 1200x has HDs new oil cooled head design and functions rather well, however it remains a heavy viscous fluid verse water and anti freeze/boil properties. I believe HD will attempt the use of this platform prior to a fully water cooled design in all except the V Rod.
  8. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Quit supporting the corn farmers and get rid of the ethanol in the gas. Better running better fuel economy and everyone is happy. Farmers start growing other crops and still making money. :rolleyes:
  9. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    We have had pumps here with E15 on them.
    I work with a factory certified mechanic on Mercury, OMC, yamaha, Volvo stern drive and all.
    We don't use Sea Foam IN anything. We use Stabil Marine or Starbright startron.
    We use some quick clean every now and then in the fuel that mercury makes.
    We use CArbon free that mercury makes once a year when we do a service.
    A boat has a open fuel system because of the vent. Its not sealed like a car so moisture can get into the fuel. On carb motors it deals them hell.
    Even the carbed 4 strokes.
    Ethanol in the fuel is eating parts in the 4 stroke motors up, costing customers hundred of dollars of money they shouldn't have to spend.

    They should quit puttin akehol in fuel or quit make it.
    Let us go on down the tubes before gas gets so expensive we can't afford it.
    If gas goes back to 5-6 a gallon better have your bills paid, because economy that is trying to come back is going out the door.
    Look what it did last time, nobody learned.
    We are gonna look for a depression till we git the folks in offices in Cities, states and fed goverment out. And the EPA and tree huggers gone.
  10. alex the dog

    alex the dog Active Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    Buena Vista, CO
    Choosing between a Honda or a H-D is not the question. And the issue isn't ethanol or alchohol or benzene or whatever. Refineries are constantly searching for a cheap additive to make heavy crude oil go a lot further in making fuel. There will always be another additive that works OK, but causes other side problems.

    Now, as our oil supplies get less and less, the gov't will mandate higher fuel mileage on automakers and motorcycles. H-D does not make these changes willingly--they have to, or go out of business. Which do you think they will choose to do: modernize the motors with changes that will keep them in compliance, or give up and go out of business?
  11. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    There is Plenty of Oil in the World. The way gas was made 25yrs ago. Gave us better gasoline. And that gasoline would give up better fuel milage. And it was better for the engine. And you could store it longer.

    The reformulated gas we have now, to meed EPA and the tree huggers mandates will not store. Within 30 days the octane rating drops.
    If you can't store gas for over 30 days what good is it. its junk.
    With the Acohol in it,the acohol draws more moisture .
    I work on 2 stroke and 4 stroke boat motors. Nothin will tell you more than a 2 stroke carb boat motor.
    The boat motor is vented, not a sealed system
    You can take a 25hp motor and go buy 89 octaine fuel. Put in in the boat.
    When you 1st get it, you can pull the cord to crank it one time and it will crank.
    Wait for 30 days and you pull the cord 8-10 times to crank it.
    Even with Stabilizer in it. The octane level drops that much that fast.
    And the chemical companies get their octane rating with Acohol.
    Therefore if you get 91-93 octane you are getting more acohol in the fuel
    With the Acohol in the fuel, feed prices for cattle, chicken and all have gone up. Plus that has drove the price for groceries up.

    We got people like the Sierra Club Sueing the EPA because they don't have cleaner air and water standard and they want it every year.
    The Sierra Club does not care if you loose your job as long as they get their clean air and water standards and wants to make them stronger every year.
    Ever wonder why so many companies leave the United States and go somewhere else.
    Between the EPA and the Unions, our jobs has left and are going to continue to leave.
    Oil refinery are gong to Brazil, as well as a lot of companies moving there to do business.
    Where does that leave jobs here. Buy american to support american jobs.
    What jobs, they are leaving . Ever studied it.
    People here don't have the common sense of somebody 40 yrs ago.
    All they know is what somebody tells them to think and to do.

    I say put a STOP to and slow down the sierra club and the EPA.
    If not we are on a end to disaster.
  12. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    The government is subsidizing the corn farmers so they can put that crap ethanol in our gas.
  13. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Remember the fuel crisis of 74? Remember Gasohol??

    Sent From My Damn Droid!
  14. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    It wasn't a fuel crisis, it was a Scam to raise the fuel prices.
    Once they got them raised they never let them come back down.

    Once now the oil companies got their last high gas prices they hunger for them to go back there.
    Meanwhile they post good profits.
    Some oil companies will nor remove oil from wells till the price goes way back up

    They claim they are only making a 12% profit.
  15. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    I could see the tankers sitting off NY Harbor waiting for the price to rise. A bud is actually an oil commodities trader in nyc. He said the tankers now change destinations while at sea as different countries buy the tankers oil over an over again. If price goes down the anchor drops.price goes up so does the anchor. China buying most now driving price up.

    Sent From My Damn Droid!
  16. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    You guys are getting so worked up you’re not making any sense. On one hand you don’t want money leaving the US and going to other countries and you complain about the price of a gallon, but then you don’t want the EPA to raise fuel efficiency. That’s an oxymoron. Now I know we could drill our own oil, but that doesn’t guarantee the price of gas going down, in fact it is still cheaper to ship oil in than it is to refine our own oil.

    You need Ethanol to make the oil in the world last longer and to keep some of the money to stay with the USA farmers. As it turns out, new engines will have higher compression ratios that work better with ethanol - better efficiency and better power. Someone told me that Nascar is running E85 this year. I haven’t verified this but let’s see what happens.

    You also said that you wanted to go back to leaded fuel that got better gas mileage?? Really! We drive motorcycles for Christ sake. Most of the time we are sucking in exhaust from the cars around us! I, for one, don’t want to be poisoned any more than I have to. EPA, keep doing what you do best. I love it.

    Back to the water-cooled subject; I know that the big twin Harley’s pass the EPA standards with flying colors. They even pass the European emission standards which are HARDER to pass than our own EPA. So I don’t see a reason for Harley to go to water-cooling emissions reason.
  17. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Gee, "you guys" is all inclusive. :wtf:
  18. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    Some guys ??? hehe
    Tryin not to point fingers, but they know.....
  19. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Better! :D
  20. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    It's 'YUZE GUYZ' :roflmao:

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