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Windshield bag, have tachometer, suggestions!

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by nalluf, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. nalluf

    nalluf New Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    2001 Softail classic, I'm looking for a windshield bag to hold keys, garage opener etc. I have a tachometer and have seen other bikes with a tachometer with a "standard bag". It kind of lays on top of the tach and I really don't like the look. I have seen where they sell a chrome bracket that raises the bag a couple of inches, but that doesn't trip my trigger either. You would think that HD would sell a bag that would be cut out for the tack. I ordered a soft leather bag that I thought would "mold" around the tach, but it wouldn't mount like I thought it would and sent it back. Any suggestions again greatly appreciated!!
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I have a 00 Heritage with Carlini Drag bars and a HD mini tach, I run this bag from HD 58904-0358904-03

    They say you can not run it with a tach but the only issue I have is getting the top closed on the center pouch and its not much of an issue, it doesn't have the chrome clips just velcro and it works perfectly.

    Should work IMHO on stock bars but you should set one on the windshield to see.
  3. fly310

    fly310 New Member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    [Well, this is a rather expensive solution, but I love it. I have a '04 Road King and bought the tach/Speedo combo for mine, its a bit expensive but gives you a clean look and won't interfere with your windshield bag. Also, I would HIGHLY recommend you spend the $$ to add the HD garage door opener to your scoot, it is wonderful to just pull up in your drive and flash the dimmer swtich to make the door go up. Good luck!


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